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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. Resurrecting this necroed thread from three years ago for Eevee.
  2. Did you get "Girl With Tail 29"? A-fucking-dorable!
  3. I'm sure eternal would have come up with something. I just summed it up in three sentences instead of the three chapters he would have taken. I'm still waiting for it though as I'm sure it'll be a great read.
  4. Don't we have that thread somewhere else? Yearbook nominations or something like that?
  5. Well you only vanished for a year and nobody knows who you are anymore. I do though and I'm glad to see you back. One nomination for Michi.
  6. Cartman: "Hey! Hey you! Get off my lap! Get off my fuckin' lap you bastard!"
  7. Has anyone ever really seen an adorable button before?
  8. Fixed. Sorry, it's just hard to take someone seriously who communicates so atrociously, especially someone who wishes to attend an erotica party. Those are mature events and mature communication is more likely to get you information than txtspk.
  9. I watched several seasons when it first came out. I can't recall when it fell out of favor with me though. Firefly on the other hand will always be awesome. Died before it's prime.
  10. Topic title not to be confused with "meat cleaver".
  11. Then prepare for heartbreak because you may end up pwn3d instead.
  12. TaysteeWonderBunny has met you during Oblivion gigs at The Works, but she can't remember what you look like. Chicks should be crushing on you though; you're a good looking guy ... ... for a troll. *runs*
  13. n0Mad


    You're not a Troll. You're a Nocker named Sluagh which is really confusing. Sounds like something a Pooka would do. (Technically not a thread jack because it's a direct response to a previous post by the thread starter himself, but I guess I've proven that my primary purpose on DGN is to make random goofy comments. Occasionally though I will try to hide some wisdom in my humor.)
  14. Yes, many of us claim Eevee as ours, but she does not acknowledge that claim, thus she remains single. Epic_Fail_Guy, feel free to pretend like the rest of us. Life is better when you're living in your head.
  15. Thanks for that response. After writing my post last night and going to bed, I tossed and turned for a while thinking that you (and other DJs) may take my post as a slam against their talents. That's totally not what I intended and I'm glad you didn't take it that way. I have a lot of respect for all you DJs and can appreciate your talent. The point I was getting at was probably 80% of the crowd doesn't know enough about music and DJing to tell the difference between an iPod on shuffle or even care. It's a shame really but something I've had to live with for decades in other fields of entertainment. I'm thinking I may create a spinoff thread to address this.
  16. That's one way to do it. Another way is to own your own club, or manage one your friend owns. At the club I managed in Colorado, we had our sound system hooked up to a computer that accessed the internet. We had a streaming music service and we'd use that most of the time to build genre playlists at random. We could also look up requests and drag and drop them into our current playlist. We also purchased a bunch of MP3s so when the internet went down we still had several hours of music we could play. There was no crossfading, no beat matching, not even building playlists with rising and falling energy. We just pushed play and let the computer do its thing. Even had two seconds of dead air between every song. Now, three other clubs in town hired pro/semi-pro DJs with their own equipment, music collections, and a buttload of talent mixing, crossfading, and beat matching. One DJ in town even spun vinyl and he was damn good at it plus he did a lot of his own remixes. Oddly enough, those clubs struggled every night with very low turnouts while our club flourished. Why? It's not always about the music, though sometimes it helps. What we played was better than the other clubs (we catered to most requests, no matter how much we personally hated the music) even though the other clubs played their music better. Our sound system kicked some major ass though and that definitely helped. And we had a TON of lights. Mostly though, it was all about atmosphere. Music is part of that, but not all of it. Anyway, I have no idea what point I was getting at when I started. It's past my bedtime and I'm rambling. I guess it's that DJs put a lot of stock into the music and their art because that is their life, but honestly, most people in a crowd couldn't give two shits as long as there's a beat they can dance to and the alcohol is cheap and plentiful. Sometimes it is as simple as pushing play on an iPod with Pandora and walking away.
  17. Mace Windu? The most badass mutherfuckin' Jedi there is?
  18. And another one that's very common yet most people don't realize it's a gun reference, "just a flash in the pan".
  19. *cue bubbles, lots and lots of bubbles* Wunnerful wunnerful.
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