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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. "White man has a saying ... 'Dick.'"
  2. For those who I haven't met yet, come find me and say hi. I'll be the bald guy with a VanDyke wearing a full length vinyl skirt and a sleeveless vinyl shirt over top a long sleeve fishnet shirt.
  3. I should've been Gargamel. I have the look and the attitude for it.
  4. Yay! Then you can talk to me and Calix about that thing you called about.
  5. Yay! And boo! lol I normally leave pretty early (about 2am) but I'll try to stick around at least until you show up so we get a chance to meet.
  6. Pandora? Come tomorrow. I'll be there celebrating my graduation!
  7. As long as we're on military eye wear, I do kinda want these:
  8. Most firearms used in a criminal act were not purchased through legitimate channels. I wish I had my sources on hand to give you direct quotes, but I recall one instance where the FBI had a cache of 200 firearms just up and vanish. A couple weeks ago I read in a newspaper (USA Today maybe?) that the Homeland Security Department lost/misplaced/had stolen just over 100 firearms over the course of 2009. Closing the gun shop won't stop criminals from getting firearms. They can get better hardware, cheaper, and more easily than I can.
  9. n0Mad


    I wonder where she was linking her sig from then. I'll have to fix it for her tonight.
  10. n0Mad


    Dusty - Did you ever figure out what happened to it and how we can get it back? It was so cute.
  11. There's a good chance the elusive Spook will be there celebrating his graduation! Will post finalities as the weekend draws nearer.
  12. With ninjas, there wouldn't be a fight. They kill you in your sleep. If a fight breaks out, pirates win hands down. That's why ninjas have to be all sneaky like, because they're really not that good at fighting. Sure, they can hold their own in self-defense, but a samurai could kick their ass toe to toe. Against a pirate? Yarr!
  13. I saw the eternal and bean as they picked up taysteewonderbunny to head out to the club, then I promptly went to bed. I was so tired last night that I didn't even notice when taystee got home.
  14. They don't make too many ninja porn movies. Pirates are sexy. I'd plunder their booty any day.
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