Response, Part I
I saw you there but it was in passing so I didn't get a chance to say hi. I haven't really seen you since the Mephisto days so I wish I could've chatted.
Always a pleasure seeing you. You're so lovely.
It's 'cuz you're awesome Hille! That and Calix and I weren't celebrating Valentine's Day. We were celebrating the St. Valentine's Day Massacre Day, Chinese New Year, my birthday, and her birthday.
Yeah, it was cool to see you on the floor and get to hang out with you some. I still want to get you a T-shirt that reads, "I met a film producer and he is intrigued by my penis." lol
I would have been one but somehow our paths managed not to cross. WTF?
It was great seeing you and your g/f.
Always a pleasure seeing you. You're so adorable. Thanks for all the hugs.