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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. Sorry, I couldn't resist. I guess that makes up for all the avoidance of your wrath I've accumulated over the past few days. (where's the icon of the guy hiding behind the couch?)
  2. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1 ASL Does that answer your question? Didn't think so.
  3. Well, considering it takes about 10 minutes on average to smoke a cigarette, you're netting 3 minutes so you're actually increasing your lifespan. So what? At least it gives them the option. That's more than the state had before the ban, and more than the bars have after the ban. Great compromise over all.
  4. "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." -Albert Einstein "Science not only purifies the religious impulse of the dross of its anthropomorphism but also contributes to a religious spiritualization of our understanding of life." -Albert Einstein "There are two ways to live your life - one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle." -Albert Einstein
  5. Oh, this reminds me of something I was going to include in my post but forgot. What about a smoking license? Something a bar could purchase to allow smoking in their establishment. Not too expensive to make it unprofitable for the bar, but significant enough that a bar has to do a cost/benefits analysis to see if this is a good choice or not. Plus, this would bring in a bit more income for a state already going bankrupt.
  6. My completely unreasonable dating requirements is a calendar that doesn't have 1/4 of a day every year.
  7. Time for me to chime in. I am a non-smoker. I can't stay at City very long ever because that smoke really gets to my eyes and I have to leave. So, I should be all for the ban. I kind of am, and I am kind of not. I am all for people living healthy lives and support anything that gets smoke out of my face. But politically I'm against the government trying to rule our lives. That being said though, I actually support the ban for the most part and am really happy to clean up the air in places I like to go. Here is what I am against, however: Cigar bars are an exception to this ban. I am all for that because it just makes sense. However, only existing cigar bars are exempt. No new cigar bars will be allowed to be created. WTF?! That's regulating business too much. Hotels are not allowed to specify certain rooms as smoking. Your residence is exempt from the ban but what is a hotel room but your home away from home while you're traveling. I think most of the rooms should be smoke free because I don't care how well you wash those sheets and vacuum the carpet, smoking rooms will always smell. But, I think a hotel should have the choice to allow some smoking rooms. Private clubs are included in the ban? NFW! They are private clubs, not public places. It should be up to the members to decide how they want to operate things. I do kinda wonder what will happen at City. Did you notice the fine for violating the smoking ban will not be placed against the establishment but instead against those who are smoking? So Higgins won't care if people smoke in City at all. Smoke at your own risk I suppose. Maybe he'll bribe cops and health inspectors to look the other way. My guess is he already does this for many other things.
  8. I hate it when my bladder really urges me to go at the wrong time and I get trapped in the bathroom at City so they can move the cash through the hallway. Please, find a better way to do things because it only takes me 3 seconds to pee and if I have to stay in their for 5 minutes smelling puke, shit, and piss I don't give a damn about your security.
  9. You planned on losing 30 pounds too? From where?
  10. And I'm spared Eevee's wrath ... this time. lol
  11. See what happens when I have to go to work? I miss out on all the fun.
  12. Didn't you already have that one once? I can't remember. I must be mistaken.
  13. Well you're definitely zomething different.
  14. Will these do? And how about these of CM and EA? And here's the whole crew.
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