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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. Yes. I put EnViOuSPoPpEt up for auction. Oh wait, wrong thread.
  2. It's girl talk, ya know? Like that guy, who did that thing, and OMG! You know, like when we, like you know, all that stuff? And yeah, it was so, totally!
  3. Notice the post doesn't say "The Obama Administration" or even "The Bush Administration"; it just says "Government". I'm not happy no matter who wins the pennant so I'll always be whining and crying. But, then again, I didn't create any of the above; I just copied and pasted from an e-mail I got which was a forward of a forward of a forward of a ...
  4. And it was planned and rehearsed, and the media was talking about it before it even happened. So, viewers knew what they were in for.
  5. If it's anything like Weird Movie Night, I'll plan on 8:30 then.
  6. You're going to have to marry a woman named Marci, just so when you buy her a tiny little sports car, we can call it the Marci Beau coup.
  7. I think it's poor environmental policies that destroy the next generation.
  8. I just got this in an e-mail from my mom: New Government Seal Official Announcement The federal government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed!
  9. Dodecahedron? Oh, I know ... a sexagon. A cutey please.
  10. Way to go Eevee. You brought Bean's water back. -->
  11. Thanks a lot. Now that's all I can see too.
  12. I didn't vote in it but I did mention some crushes in the past. I'm still crushing on many of them and have a few new crushes as well. Yes, I know I'm engaged, but she's also crushing on many of the same people I am. Now if only we can get some to crush back and get a triangle going on.
  13. Penn Jillette said something like, "Anytime anyone ever says, 'There ought to be a law,' there usually oughtn't."
  14. Now I just need to start kicking your ass to get you to work out.
  15. TaysteeWonderBunny, MinaRose, and I will be at Emilie Autumn so we'll see you there!
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