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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. I know the content of that site has made me rethink a few things about my religious and political beliefs. I mean, it was presented so logically it's impossible to argue its validity.
  2. Might be a fun show to see but I won't go to the Ringwald in Ferndale to see it. They never paid me for the fight choreography I did for "Fatal Attraction: A Greek Tragedy" and they lost one of my quarterstaffs.
  3. I didn't at first, but the more I use it, the more it's growing on me.
  4. Hugo has tickets in hand. Meeting him in three hours to pick them up and pay him for them. Yay!
  5. Have you tried love horseshoes or love nuclear bombs? Because those count if you are close.
  6. Fuck "... indigo, violet." After blue, the rainbow is purple. Always has been, always will, and this site proves it. Go ahead, run the blue test and you'll see.
  7. Yay! The last time I saw you was on Skate Night where I said, "Well, it seems like Calix kinda likes me so we'll see where that goes." Famous last words? lol
  8. DW drums and Sabian cymbals. It doesn't get much better than that. Although that is a bit overkill. This is more my style: And one of these: Of course I'll need to learn how to play it.
  9. Yes! Every time I see your signature, I get all excited for this show.
  10. I need to renew mine. Better get it done before February then I won't be able to anymore. Anyone got $80 I can have?
  11. By TaysteeWonderBunny's count, there where what ... about 50 DGNers there that night? That's awesome!
  12. Actually, it's not. Calix is just the name she chose for herself years ago and has gone by ever since but legally she still has to use her birth name for cheques and legal documents and stuff. Which, once she and I get married, we will fill out the forms to legally change her first name to Calix and then it will be her real name. It was funny when I proposed to her. I won't list all her names because I don't know what she wants disclosed, but I said, "Calix [first name] [middle name] [maiden last name] [married/divorced last name], will you marry me?" It sounded like I was proposing to a law firm.
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