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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. http://fail-pics.posterous.com/husband-fail-0
  2. Proper Weaver stance has bent elbows, but you also use opposing forces with the push/pull method I described above to stabilize the handgun. With isosceles both elbows are locked and with Chapman the dominant elbow is locked though the support elbow is bent. Regardless of the stance, fingers over fingers should be used and not the military's old cupping method. Grip, stance, and sight alignment should be trained and tested before live ammo is ever used. Anything else is just irresponsible.
  3. Maybe we could get Chernobyl to illustrate it for us using MS Paint. She did such a great job with the Cleveland Steamer.
  4. Yeah, I can see that. Although I had to go to her MySpace to find any good pics of her since there isn't much in her DGN gallery. *shakes fist*
  5. Here's another one: This is why you push with the dominant hand and pull with the support hand creating a solid grip. I don't think either of these women were using their support hand at all.
  6. X1023 I refuse to work for tips or commission. I want my pay to be based off my work and not the whim of some person. Michael, you're a great guy and you know your worth, and you're worth a lot more than that steaming pile of offal.
  7. I agree. I don't necessarily bust my ass at work but I do work harder than most everyone else there. If I worked 55 hours in one week, I'd be lucky to get $600 and that includes the overtime premium. I really need a better job.
  8. With a lady as lovely as you, there's no such thing as too many.
  9. There was shit? I didn't have any shit. How'd I miss the shit?
  10. The complete Telletubbies DVD set A case of Red Bull A box of condoms
  11. I was so tired all day yesterday, I should not have gone. I was a totally zombie at the club. I still had fun though. I was accompanied by the lovely TaysteeWonderBunny, got to spend some quality time wishing Ice Queen a happy birthday, met Torn Asunder for the second time, welcomed Mean Salley back home, chatted with pRick, StormKnight, XillaToxic, SkyFire, and DarkMetallion. Did I miss anyone? Last time I went it seemed to be boobies night. Last night seemed to be couples night. Calix and I had fun counting the couples where the woman was disproportionately hotter than the guy. There were a lot.
  12. "Are you classified as human?" "Negative. I am a meat popsicle."
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