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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. The first one wasn't just a good super hero movie, it was just a damn good movie, period. Hopefully the screenwriters for II thought about that.
  2. The inevitable video game they make for this is going to be sweet.
  3. "Want to wear my kilt? As a hat? With me still in it?" © 2005 by SD
  4. After watching Lucia y el Sexto last night, I now have the hots for Elena Anaya. Edit: Second picture wasn't showing. It should now.
  5. Saw that earlier. It looks awesome! Now I'm just waiting for them to do a live action movie of "American McGee's Alice".
  6. This just in ... There is an untitled "Chronicles of Riddick" sequel in development with a projected release date of 2012.
  7. Paraphrased: "Those who give up a little liberty to gain a little safety deserve neither and are sure to lose both." -Benjamin Franklin
  8. I wear mine as house slippers. They are very comfortable, but very ugly so I don't wear them out of the house. Oh, and I got a generic brand because I rarely refuse to pay full price for name brand anything.
  9. I was just going for the joke. I actually can't stand going commando and usually wear biker shorts underneath. Too much flopping around otherwise and I'd hate to damage it.
  10. The old Maverick actor is the new Maverick actor's pappy.
  11. Warren? You're sandwiched between me and my girlfriend. Which is a good place to be and I'm sure she would agree.
  12. Quigly actually can use a pistol. He's just never had much use for one.
  13. Good. 'Cuz going commando I can use all the support I can get.
  14. Isn't it past your bedtime? Or are Brenda and Jeff actually so old that they have a kid old enough to stay up late? *runs* Oh, and gnarly quinn is such a derby girl name. Awesome! Your mom must be so proud.
  15. Lester Burnham dies. Oh, wait ... I guess he spoils that himself during the opening VO.
  16. Cupid's arrows don't work on me, but cheesecake does.
  17. That's just down the road from my house. Why didn't I think of that.
  18. I had pie once ... it was great. "Anytime's a good time for pie." -Pulp Fiction (Is cheesecake a cake or a pie?)
  19. Kosher pickles Communion Wafers A box of condoms
  20. The Ark is crated up and stored in a secret government warehouse which turns out to be Area 51 in a future movie.
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