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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. Something I noticed on sushi night and was affirmed last night, you're very pretty.

  2. Look outside your window. See all that snow? Did you go outside last night? Feel that 4 degree weather with a windchill below zero? Yeah, that's a big reason I'm moving south. Other reasons are better job/job market, nostalgia, and a few that are personal. The goth scene down there is small and there's not much new blood. A few clubs have goth nights but there isn't a dedicated club like City Club. So, I just mentioned how I should start my own. I'm not planning on it though. I managed a nightclub in Colorado for a year (as in, for one week out of every month, the owner had to come back to Detroit on business so he gave me the keys and said, "You're in charge." Yeah, that kind of management,) so I have the skills, knowledge, and experience to run a club, but I also have the wisdom to know that I really don't want to. So, yeah ... I'm moving. And hopefully I can find some new crushes down there. Or maybe an old crush will move down later. Who knows what will happen. (Eh? See how I tied this thread jack back to the original theme? ) Somewhere there's a Spook's moving to Atlanta thread but it died 'cuz I'm still working on getting my resume in order. Everything takes at least twice as long, costs at least twice is much, and is at least twice as hard as you originally thought.
  3. The best way to get rid of the red is to add more red. Sounds like Scott logic.
  4. Ah, you say that now, but just you wait until I'm gone.
  5. Sweet! *bookmarks* So that's why I'm reading this thread.
  6. I sure hope nobody has a crush on me. I'd just have to break their heart.
  7. I don't think she gets your reference. Then again, I don't think I get your reference either because my mind was taking it to the gutter. What was your reference?
  8. But are you a member of the Brenda Starr fan club?
  9. They're the fun ones I like to play around with. But if I want something serious, I go for more mature ones. The only two women I've ever considered proposing to, one is 1 year older than me and the other is 4 years older than me.
  10. "I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid." "You're only as old as you feel, which is why I like feeling up 18 year olds."
  11. I could be half naked. After all, you don't really see my bottom half.
  12. I think clicking the shutter ruined the photo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *runs*
  13. Fucking Glock ... upgrade to a Springfield XD.
  14. Babelfish is a great tool, but it is certainly Engrishy: Ich werde die deutsche Sprache verwenden, um zu sagen, dass ich von einem walisischen Kerl fasziniert werde. = I will use the German language, in order to say that I am fascinated by a walisischen chap. Whatever the fuck "walisischen" is. Welsh? and 日本語 私は好むきれいな女の子全員を = As for Japanese me girl everyone clean you like And I couldn't agree more. LOL! (wtf?)
  15. Software on floppies will never get installed on new system.
  16. Paints everything white for a reboot.
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