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Fierce Critter

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Everything posted by Fierce Critter

  1. Have the balloons been rubbing themselves on you again?
  2. I wasn't going to over-elaborate. But since GRG added her valuable .02, here's mine. Around 2002, I started experiencing horrible headpains. They were located primarily slightly above and behind my temple area. They weren't headaches, they were massive, intense, sharp pains. They would worsen or become acute if I was doing something that increased my blood pressure. One was so bad, I went to the ER scared I was having an aneurysm (I do NOT take going to the ER lightly, so this was a serious step for me to take). They did a spinal tap and either a CAT scan or MRI, and both came back normal. My doctor pushed the diabetes diagnosis on me despite blood tests coming back normal. I don't know what got me on the road to thinking eyestrain, probably my husband. I had my eyes checked. Turns out, I have astigmatism in both eyes. No far or near sightedness. But both eyes are shaped such that I have a double focus point, like if you're looking at a clock face, 12 and 6 will be sharp but everything else will be slightly blurred. My eyes were constantly trying to blend the focus and this strained my eye muscles and optic nerve. I got glasses, and the pains went away instantly. I despise wearing glasses. But I wear them every day because I'd rather not experience those pains again. Get your eyes checked. Seriously.
  3. This makes me very, very happy. I'm so glad to hear this! :D
  4. The intention: start an Etsy site selling hand sculpted clay figurines, mostly of cats and the like. The initiation: Made 3 and they came out awesome. That was about a year ago. I have recently cleaned up an area that is serving as my "studio." It got sidetracked for some Christmas projects, and needs some re-organizing. But I'm back on Wellbutrin now and already seeing positive effects. So I should be pushing the clay again soon.
  5. "Moments In Space" - Spinmeister Give it a listen. This website is awesome.
  6. I miss wearing my punk/goth clothing and having a club to go to on the weekends. :( Winter was always when I came out of goth hibernation and hit up CC religiously. I am sorely missing it.
  7. Me = liberal And I find this statement oddly comforting, common sensical, and fascinating. I would have no idea what that would actually entail. But the thought of saying "fuck the world's problems" and just concentrating on everything solely within our borders seems like it would help get so much more done. Of course, I am admittedly naive to the way the world goes 'round politically, and probably much too idealistic.
  8. Bean = clitoris Flip = masturbate (I have never heard that before but instantly knew what it meant, and I think that's just precious and intend to use it any chance I get - the expression, not the suggestion.) Anyway... I am feeling absurdly good right at this moment. It just kinda came on me. Yay me!
  9. ROFLMAO I don't know if that is the response this was supposed to elicit, but sorry, it just struck me as all very absurd and funny.
  10. I'm still downloading, burning and going through 2011 movies. I won't have seen all the ones I want to see and be able to answer this for at least another couple months. (I missed seeing a lot of films that all came out when a sudden and unexpected and very messy move from one house to another happened this past summer.)
  11. Oh, gads, good question. How can I answer without getting annoyingly analytical and tedious? I guess I can't. For the sure to be all-around memorable experience: Prince For the comfort of familiar instrumentation - The Cure, or at least Robert Smith, but preferably the whole band (If you really break down their songs, for the most part, the instrumentation is not particularly complex - it's the layering that gives it prime "Cure"ness and depth. I'm a simple player, and can play a lot of their individual parts.) For the pure fun of it - Ringo Starr & his all star band For hero worship: Chrissie Hynde and whatever the Pretenders consists of at the time For style/overall sound envy: Crowded House, or at least Neil Finn For incredible vocal blending: Anne & Nancy Wilson of Heart Q) If you could change the lineup of a particular band, what band would that be, how and why?
  12. EXACTLY. Sorry you had to go through the surgeries and all that comes with. I'm really grateful that when I discovered I had fibroids on my uterus, I had a doctor who totally did not judge nor try to dissuade me when I completely emotionlessly and definitively decided to go through with a hysterectomy rather than a fibroidectomy. I was afraid I'd face someone who would plow me with "Are you sure's" and "wouldn't you rathers", and she totally was down with my finality. (Incidentally, I'm 99.9% sure that her office is the one you see if you watch "All American Muslim" when they show Samara at work.)
  13. I'm posting this here because I don't feel like a con vs lib/rep vs dem discussion on the matter. Jon's most recent paycheck was $16 less than all the previous for a flat 80 hours. Comparing this one with the last 80 hour check showed that the entire $16 came from an increase in the FICA SS tax. What's the factual story behind this tax increase, if you know? I'm not finding anything specific with a google search. Thanks. If you want to have a political discussion about this, feel free to start your own thread in the appropriate forum.
  14. Which will never, ever be the thing that keeps me from going there.
  15. I haven't been to IRock in almost 20 years, and never been to Northern Lights. But a metal bar might be more suited to a goth night physically than a sports bar. So yeah, I'd give it a shot were location not an issue for me.
  16. So? My friend had to scoop brains off his windshield after a concert at Harpo's, and still continued to go there. If the venue/performance is worth it, people can get past that sort of thing.
  17. Were I still living downriver, I'd be all over that. Good luck. I hope people in the local scene support you. Curious: When I lived in another state for a while, the only place that had a goth night was a local sports bar. It totally sucked because the atmosphere was all wrong. Wood panel walls, Budweiser neon, pool tables and lifesized cutouts of bikin-clad-Busch-hawking-Babes totally made the whole thing laughable. What's the atmosphere like at Token? [Edited, because they're hawking beer, not pu$$y. But then again...]
  18. I can't say that any song directly gets that sort of reaction out of me. However, in the right setting (such as a dark club, a couple drinks to lower inhibitions, and a handsome man at my side), certain music can get me leaning in the direction of the bedroom. These include: The Sweetest Drop - Peter Murphy Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove - Dead Can Dance God Is God - Juno Reactor Downtime II - 16 Volt So Alive - Love & Rockets Face To Face - Siouxsie & The Banshees
  19. Have you had your eyes checked? It could be eyestrain. You might be surprised at how bad eyestrain headaches/headpains can be.
  20. Anything decaffeinated. I was having too much bad juju from even as much caffeine as a regular glass of cola has. So I'm not going there anymore if I can avoid it.
  21. That's what your 30's and 40's are for. I've told people before - try not to make any lifelong plans in your 20's. It's a period of too many changes, too much growth and discovery. I don't know anyone - myself included - who had an easy time in their 20's and came out the same person as they went in.
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