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A) My "Phee phinally phound phurry phrench phillys" type answers in the "Person above you" thread should answer that one. Q) 2-parter: Can you picture my new kitten, Isabeau, appearing over the backside of the slide-out keyboard tray, walking by the keyboard and going her merry way by the monitor - and isn't that freakishly cute?
A) To answer Phee's question, I was always fond of the car race... what did they call them... lightspeeders? A) To answer BS's question, I won't be there, unfortunately, living in NC. I'm not real touchy-feely, and tend to recoil a bit from people who like to embrace, hold me, or put their hands on me. But I'm learning to accept hugs, as a lot of people seem to like to greet others that way. If I were there, I'd gladly accept your greeting hug. :smile: Q) Familiar with theories about Jack the Ripper? Who do you think he was? (I just finished watching "From Hell".)
Lipstick: Your Thoughts
Fierce Critter replied to Brenda Starrr's topic in Fashion, Beauty and Costume.
I started using Revlon Colorstay when it first came out, and I absolutely CANNOT go back to "regular" lipsticks now. I've switched to Cover Girl Outlast, as the texture is better, as are the colors. I switched initially 'cause I got tired of trying to go to City Club in super-dark lipstick, only to have it end up all over my face & the face of the guy I was macking on at the time. That, and the fact that dark colors would bleed and feather like crazy - and I despise lipliner. These long-last varieties have come a LONG way since their inception. They are still on the dry side, but much better than in the past. And reapplication of some kind of lipbalm or gloss definitely helps. I don't even use the topcoat that comes with the Outlast - I prefer this cheap, raspberry-flavored gloss I picked up from Big Lots. That, or a cherry vanilla lip balm I got from Avon. When gothing-up, I wear a discontinued color called Cherrywood - a dark, blood red (I'm wearing it on my avatar). I found an Ebay seller who sold me 10 tubes for about $20. It'll last me forever. When just getting a little punked-up, there's a current color by Outlast I wear, but I don't recall the name. It's also a dark red, but not as deep as cherrywood. On a simple outing, I wear a sorta brownish mauve color Outlast. -
This is a subject that has actually been on my mind recently. Kinda bothering me, actually. When I worked out of the house, I had make-up on EVERY day. I worked typical corporate jobs for 13 years. Every morning was hair, make-up, pressed clothes usually consisting of suits, nylons, pumps. My morning routine took 1/2 hour - so though I did full hair & make-up, my "corporate" look was complete, but easy. A quick blowdry of permed, 1-length hair with hairspray and that was done. For make-up, I did a wet washcloth (I've never used soap on my face), moisturizer, concealer, foundation, powder, contour powder, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick & eyeshadow in 10 minutes or less. And I wouldn't even go to the grocery store without makeup. I got ragged on by family often about that. Now that I work in the house, I look like hell. I don't do my hair - wake up, throw in an elastic headband and go. No make-up. Part of me likes that I don't "have" to fuss anymore, and that I save tons of $$ on make-up yearly now. But, just like Nvayne, I also miss the vanity sometimes. I feel sometimes like I'm such a mess, having a job outside of the house would give me a reason to HAVE to clean-up daily. This actually started when I had to do some nasty plastics factory day-labor in Florida after getting together with my husband 6 years ago. I started the job dressed nice, with full make-up and hair. I quickly learned that I'd just sweat it all off, so ended up just putting my hair in a ponytail with as many clips as I needed to keep it out of my sweaty face, no make-up and the same worn stretch shorts & "around the house" t-shirts every other day. I do sometimes feel horrible that I don't fix up every day. I avoid looking in the mirror a lot, and cringe at the thought of turning on my webcam in chats. I've sometimes considered "making up" anyway, but never actually made moves to do it. I clean up well. How long a "dress-up and go out" make-up job takes depends on where I'm going. If it's out to the bookstore in jeans & a sweater, I take about 15-20 minutes to wash hair, dry it, and put on simple but full make-up. If we're going out in the evening and I'm being "myself" - meaning punk/goth, I take maybe 10 minutes longer. This includes a "basic" make-up job, with added time & effort for more elaborate eyeliner, the careful application of super-dark lipstick, and utmost care in hair styling. I don't know. Age isn't a huge factor where my appearance is concerned, as I haven't changed much facially since I was a teenager, so I feel blessed. I have a decent complexion, so most of what I do is to balance some redness & highlight decent features. But I definitely don't like myself without make-up when going out. I have some esteem problems due to being overweight, and a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR problem that I have to wear glasses now. I despise them, and have even more problems feeling happy with my "unmadeup" self due to them. Add to all that a husband, 10 years my junior, who can throw on jeans & a t-shirt and look gorgeous and I get even more self-conscious. The only time the "age difference factor" presents is when he looks good just being "normal" and I just plain don't.
What in the world was Jack Palance doing visiting an elementary school??? Did you know who he was? Damn, I knew who Jack Palance was at that age (about 12?) from B-horror movies. Oh - one I forgot. I was a volunteer at the Detroit Zoo's Butterfly/Hummingbird garden not long after it opened. I was working the floor with another girl one day and this guy came in and she got all geeked, especially when he approached us (accompanied by a woman and a baby in a stroller) and asked us to throw out an empty cup for him (which my fellow volunteer probably kept). She told me he was Brendan Shanahan of the Red Wings. This was years before I got into the Wings, so I couldn't have cared less. Now, though, I look back and realize she wasn't shitting me. My sister and her husband are actors living in Florida. They've done a handful of projects with famous people. Both of them did extras work in the movie "Roseville" about a black town burned to the ground by whites in the early 1900's. They did a straight-to-video piece of crap called "Oliver Twisted", and my brother in law has a speaking role in a scene with (drum roll please) Erik Estrada, and my sister has a speaking role in a scene with Karen Black. Probably the most prestigious work either of them has done yet was the brother-in-law was in that Nasa series Tom Hanks directed for I think it was HBO a few years back. He had to audition for Hanks, got to speak with him, and ended up in a few scenes as a control-room geek, with a few spoken lines. I think they both did some scenes for a Gus Van Sant movie, too, but I don't remember for sure. Via them, I am only 2 (or does this count as 3) degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon. 1) I'm the sister in law of a guy who 2) was in a series with Tom Hanks who 3) was in Apollo 13 with KEVIN BACON.
>>Take your own sweet time when doing ANYTHING.<< Particularly this one: wait for traffic to ALMOST clear. Then, when you see my truck coming down the road at 60 mph, pull out IN FRONT OF ME, even though there is NOBODY BEHIND me. Then, do 45 mph. Thanks, Bubba. >>Pronounce all one-syllable words with two.<< A-yuh. I could write a book with the dragged-out words I hear - at twice the necessary pages, of course. : >>When giving directions, finish with "and it's right down yonder on the left." Confuses the mess out of 'em.<< Don't forget, Q) "How far would you say it is?" A) "A ways..." Uh, yeah... >>Talk loudly and often about SEC football or ACC basketball.<< I so totally don't follow football, I can't even tell you what SEC or ACC are. But I CAN tell you this: If I never see or hear about anything having to do with Duke, the Panthers, or any other of these teams, it won't be soon enough for me. >>Refer to every soft drink as a Coke.<< One better: Drink. "I'm gonna go get some drink". >>Always order sweet tea and/or grits. When they don't have it, raise a ruckus. << And hush-puppies and barbecue - and not GOOD barbecue, either. >>Frequently bring up "The War of Northern Aggression" in conversation. If anyone ever says the words "Civil War", always interject that "there was nothing civil about it."<< Technically, my ancestors were in Poland, so I really couldn't give a rats' ass. But in general, "We WON. GET OVER IT." >>Address all males as "son" and females as "little lady". << I've gotten "Honey". But for guys, it's actually "Bo". I'm not sure, but I think it's short for "brother". >>Correct their pronunciation of certain words. For example: It's "Pah-kahn" not "Pee-can".<< Actually, it's Peh-cahn", as in "Grahnd Pree" : >>Use the word "reckon" in a sentence and watch their reaction.<< "There you go". And don't forget: NOTHING comes after "I tell you whut". So stop waiting for them to actually TELL you WHAT. >>"Mash" buttons. "Cut" off lights. "Carry" the kids to school. << And nobody seems to "Live" anywhere. They all "Stay" someplace. Which just goes to show you - there ain't much livin' to do in the country. But yer stuck, so there you "stay". >>Only use landmarks and ramble on when giving directions. "Now go down Jeff Davis Highway and turn left at where the Chevron station used to be. I think they turned it into a Amoco. Or maybe a BP. Anyway, turn right there..." "You said left." "Did I? Well, turn left there and follow it until you see a big fish on your left. I remember when that fish used to be on the other side of town.."<< "It's by the new Food Lion." There are two Food Lions, each 10 miles away, and since they've both been in business since BEFORE we moved here, it's ALL new to me. And I've gotten this one, "it's right over where Snoopy's used to be". Uhh... what the fuck is/was Snoopy's??? And no matter how midwest my accent is, how Queen's English I speak, people still talk to me like I've lived here all my life when giving directions. "You know - off Walter Myatt road." Walter whothefuck? "Well, then you know where the Lassiter's live." WHICH Lassiters? There are two dozen in this town alone. Nevermind - I'll use mapquest. "Blank stare" >>Ask them if it's still snowing up North. Then tell 'em you went driving around in your convertible this weekend. << Yeah, but on the 5 days a year it DOES snow & ice-up down here, I'm the only mutherfucker who is still on the road, while their convertible is turtled in a ditch. >>Call 'em a yankee. Works every time. << Yeah - Makes me PROUD. WE WON, GET OVER IT.:grin:
Onyx- that's such a good idea, mixing the POM with Sprite.
Turkey gravy on bread - an old staple leftover treat from my childhood.
I don't like SPAM!!! (Actually, that's not true. But I haven't eaten it in probably over a decade...)
I always look stupid around the house. I even go out to the mailbox in these PJ bottoms. I dont' give a rats ass what I look like when I'm sweating to cook, clean litterboxes, pack Ebay, wash dishes, etc. When we go out, I clean up well. But M-F 9-5? Forgetaboutit. I did the pumps/pantihose & suits in corporations & law offices for 13 years. I started letting go when I did my first factory work 6 years ago. Just don't ask me to go live on webcam during the day!
Red plaid flannel pajama bottoms, a dark blue t-shirt with Tigger embroidered between my boobs.
What is your most favorite piece of clothing
Fierce Critter replied to Brenda Starrr's topic in Fashion, Beauty and Costume.
Several. First and foremost, my red Converse hi-tops. I've had them since about 2002, and they look like it. I have told my family that should I NOT be buried in them, I will return and haunt everyone responsible for the oversight. Second, I have this black DKNY sweater I got off Ebay last year. It's Linen with a touch of cotton, and ultra-thin and loosely knit. It is the perfect style & length to go with my style of punk/goth dress, and is uber-comfy. It replaced the Venezia shaker sweater I've had for about 14 years that is just falling apart from wear & wash, that I STILL can't manage to give up. Third, my Cure Mixed-Up t-shirt. I've mentioned that one before - it's also about 12 years old or more, and in super bad shape. But you'll have to have me at gunpoint to get me to give it up, and even then, I might put up a struggle. I'm not fitting into it right now, but my plaid pleated skirt is damn high up there. Gotta get on that damned Orbitrek and get back into it. An item that I don't necessarily hold dear, but wear a lot is my simple jersey-knit black tube skirt. A staple, again, of my particular style. Guess you can add black opaque tights and my black patent leather boots to the list.