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Fierce Critter

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Everything posted by Fierce Critter

  1. I put the TV on sleep timer around 2:15 last night, put my head down and closed my eyes. I jumped awake when I heard Michigan's results come in, but then fell asleep shortly after. I'm awake every day at 6:00 to get Jon off to work. I go back to sleep about 7:00, get back up around 11:00. I'm generally awake until 2:00 a.m. Definite night-owl here. I get more done after 10:00 p.m. than any other time of day.
  2. Gah. Enough politics, it's depressing me and I don't have any good drugs/liquor lying around anywhere... I still need that Irish Coffee. Hell. I think I'm going to go into town and get a tiny bottle of booze to make a real one tonight.
  3. A) Actually, I've felt the U.K., or more specifically, Tony Blair, has been too easily influenced by the U.S. - as like the little brother who sticks his tonge on the cold, metal pole 'cause his bigger, meaner friend goads him into it. Q) Do you take any pride in the fact that Michiganders seemed to "get" what was at stake and vote seemingly based on issues such as the economy and not so-called "moral" issues, like Ohio?
  4. No choice for "punk goth", which is generally how I see myself. So I had to bow out.
  5. A) Possibly infancy. Being carried by my brother who was put in charge of me often. The guys would come calling and he'd take me to the pool hall with him. If that's a "placed memory" based on stories told in later life, I can still remember being in a crib, looking out at my brother whose room my crib was in. At most 1 year old. Q) Now that you're "grown up", do you do any of the things you swore as a kid you'd do when you "got older"? Like, buy all the candy you want, etc...
  6. I HAVE to try the corn pudding sometime. What kind of crackers do you prefer? Saltines, or club style?
  7. A faded green t-shirt and black knit shorts. I found black & orange striped tights for Halloween. I already had black/purple, black/white & black/red ones I bought on ebay. Gonna see if maybe I can sell these orange/black ones myself.
  8. Sorry to break this run of "N"s... Numb - The Cure
  9. Got any meal plans, or something heating up right now? Share meal tips & recipes if you'd like. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/Snack/etc. Today's dinner (and tomorrow's leftovers) was linguine with alfredo sauce, with shrimp sauteed in garlic & lemon thrown in.
  10. First, my initial thought of altruism: in Ford's Theater, with Lincoln, stopping J.W. Boothe. But if I didn't care to wreak havoc with the threads of time, I'd go sometime back when I can hoard what I know will be rare, valuable coins I can sell and become rich upon returning to my "future" time. Q) Night-Owl or Early Bird?
  11. Manhole covers seem to be more complex than most men I've met. Marry a manhole cover, ladies!!!
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