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About taintedkittie

  • Birthday 02/20/1969

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Harrison Township
  • Interests
    too many to name.. just ask me !

taintedkittie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. trying to get stuff done around here b4 i take off to the west side for the weekend....
  2. patiently waiting on a phone call from *hopefully* my new employer!! **taps fingers on desk**
  3. boy.. that sux!! if i didnt live so far i would SHARE..bubble bath that is.. hehehehe... :devil
  4. feeling like shit...i cleaned too hard today and overdid it!!! so getting ready to take a nice hot bath!!
  5. i dont think you are an asshole!! do think you have a nice ass thou :arrow :devil
  6. playing phone tag with my boyfriend..wondering when this pain in my throat will finally go away!!
  7. getting ready to jump in the shower so i can go spend another wonderful sunday at my parents ..also still feeling a little shitty.. but alot better than i did...
  8. looking for apartments and jobs on the west side of town....also looking into schools on the west side as well.. kimmie is going back to school...
  9. waiting for my daughter to get out of the shower so i can take one and get ready for CC
  10. burning cds.....listening to music...thinking about what to wear tonite?? hmm....
  11. wondering what the hell i want to do tonite...HELP!!
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