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Everything posted by creatureofthenyte

  1. I feel like my bed is calling me. I feel like I will be taking that call soon.
  2. Glad this week is over. It was one of the worst I've ever had.
  3. I'm glad that yesterday's day at work is long gone now. There was a very strong unusual energy that I felt, and couldn't get done with the day fast enough. It wasn't the job at all. I just felt like I really needed to keep my mouth shut, to keep me from getting in situation(s) that probably wouldn't have ended well for me.
  4. Waiting on deliveries, while listening to one of my cats whining because he wants to come into my office with me.
  5. Watching my cat sleep on my desk in my office.
  6. About to throw out an empty package that had fresh made cookies in it, for which I had no business eating, but ate anyway.
  7. Like I’m going to put my phone down and go to sleep.
  8. I think it’s sad when a business that you’ve been a loyal customer to, for a long time, screws you over, and doesn’t care.
  9. Like I have nothing I can credibly complain about, in light of some unfortunate information, that I was briefed on earlier tonight.
  10. I think, I'm gonna go get a bottle of water.
  11. So glad to be done with work for the week. Too much stress and bs this week.
  12. I think, I'm going to have either soup or a burger for dinner tonight.
  13. I feel relaxed; I'm sitting in my office, typing this up, with one of my cats on my lap.
  14. I'm not turning on my tv at all today. I think that's good.
  15. Getting stared and yelled at, by my two cats, who are delusional in that they think they’re getting fed for a 3rd time today.
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