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Elegantly Wasted

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Everything posted by Elegantly Wasted

  1. Msterbeau: I was drinking Blue Moon, does that count? Thanks for all the compliments everyone. I live for the annual Drunken Pirate Party. Ps- I added more photos on my myspace blog thinger... My Myspace. Feel free to add me!
  2. When its me and my friends, boobs are always plentiful. We can't help it. We're just that fantastic. Phee, your ninja has nothing on these fine pirate lasses. Our party has become an annual thing now, and this year was better than the last. If any ninjas wanna throw down, these drunk wenches will make you walk the plank.
  3. Avast, merry Wenches. We plunder booty. Captain Suzy Q Jesse and her bountiful wenches. Pimpin wenches aint easy. If you didn't know I was a dork... this photograph is proof. "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr!" My friends love me, really, they do... More photo-tastic fun can be viewed at: Myspace Blog Thinger Laura's Myspace Blog Thinger
  4. My roommate, as soon as she walked in the door: I wanted to slam her face in the door repeatedly, shove safety pins under her fingernails, throw her down the stairs, run a cheese grater down her torso, take a potato peeler to her scalp, dump boiling water and salt on the wounds, then pour bleach into her eyeballs. That's my reoccuring evil thought every time I see her though... Question: Name one article of clothing that you could not live without, and why?
  5. Usually: Jack Daniels. I can't help it. I love whiskey. No mixing or chasing though. Ick.
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