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AstralCrux last won the day on July 16 2009

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About AstralCrux

  • Birthday 06/13/1982

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    Interests? To me that is a strange word... I'm interested in everything in a sense because I am curious. Curious is a better word for it! In which case the answer is pretty much everything...

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  1. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  2. Happy Birthday.. a year later. =P

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Alas, I don't have much for details. Our contact at my hotel wanted our sales manager to find him some resumes in this area and I jumped at the chance to send the info to all the folks I know. But, it never hurts to send a resume.
  5. Kraft Foods is hiring. Requirements are a 4 year degree in any field or on your way to completing. Please send resume to sarah.houston@hilton.com . $30k + My sales manager just requested this, they are very serious, and it involves a company car and benefits.
  6. I is off tomorrow.... We should hang!
  7. They aren't picking on me. But, the negative vibes are not my thing. I like to sever people like that out of my life. I walk a fine line of neutral. It's a happy place.
  8. I was wandering around nakie on Tuesday 'cause Val went to TN. Why do you always hide in my bushes while I'm at work? It freaks the parrots out!

  9. Stalk Stalk.... *peeks in windows* Damn no boobs again *cries*

  10. I'm really getting tired of people picking on others. There is no good reason not to try to be a good, kind person. It actually trickles into my life and makes my situation unpleasant because other people are upset about being picked on. I go out of my way to say hi and be nice to everyone, but it's those gripers and mean folk that cause me to end up having to listen to folks who just want to have a nice simple day. Why pick on someone? It's a domino effect of hurt.
  11. In a family of 3 kids.... I'm the only one that successfully made it out. I have found, in my experience that it's the people who were around me that were holding me back. Dropping the bad from your life is the most productive thing you can do as a first step. Everyone has a chance, but some have more mental advantage. Cher... People have misjudged you in your past, but you posess in you a mental aptitude for change and growth. That is a major advantage. Change is a major factor in scaring people from success. Fear can motivate either way.
  12. I was plotting on trying to go. I added MWB on my FB page, and then I got spammed with a bunch of useless groups that they kept adding. My page was overrun with MWB spam pages. I'm not as interested at this point.
  13. Taken out of context..... That's hillarious! In context, awesome news.
  14. I agree. But, I've just gotten so jaded that I won't give anyone a chance in hell. And, the ones that do amuse me get taken just before I meet them. So, I never get beyond mildly amused.
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