I'm upset about not smoking in clubs, so as of May 1st I'm not going out to clubs/bars anymore, because I will have my stand that way.
I'm more upset about big government taking yet another decision from me. I more upset that the new Djarums don't have the same flavor as the old ones. I'm upset because they add so much crap to cigarettes now because of the government. (glue-substance to prevent the cig from causing housefires - no i don't understand how that's supposed to work out) I now have to go out of my way big time to smoke and I haven't figured out the right mix to make my own cloves, yet. But, I will.
So, who cares that they take our decisions away? It'll make me more healthy. But, then damn, make suicide legal, so I can go smoke in hell! I want to vomit every friggin' time the government restricts us more. At least my smokes would have made my misery more pleasant, but no. (For the record, I can't actually choke down a regular smoke- they taste like ass. I loved my cloves. Why take my happy stuff away?)