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Everything posted by AstralCrux

  1. My boss just gave up going to a show she really wanted to see, so she could keep a promise to her crappy 26 year old cousin to go to his birthday party. Seriously? Don't let anyone walk over you... unless you like it. :-)
  2. I don't think you're a slut, but I think he's the type of guy I enjoy bitchslapping. He's not worth fooling around with IMO, but if you don't mind that kind of game that's cool.
  3. I had some tourist try to flirt with me... I really wish I could remember the conversation, but it eventually involved me bitch slapping him. (I do have a fun tendancy to slap some days *giggle*)
  4. This is why I try to use a more varied vocabulary... If I compliment you it will be specific and I usually like the words, "fabulous, amazing, of much awesomeness..." I did have a "that's hot" phase for a while though. I should get a word a day calandar, but I'd forget to turn the pages...
  5. Much more overtime and I'm gonna be a really REALLY happy camper come payday!
  6. I have a honey guy at Eastern Market... I can get you his number. He's retired and does it for a hobby. Great selection.
  7. HomicidalHeathen posted something about Wormwood helping for gallbladder attacks. Hey, it's worth a shot. I'm sorry you're still in pain. It sucks. :(
  8. I'm so boring.... Snow blower Leaf blower (doesn't my list sound dirty?)
  9. If she didn't want the daughter back, she could have simply called the father and he would have come to get her. That poor man now has to live with guilt for letting a child spend time with her mother.
  10. Apparently, I'm your sister... LOL.... Yeah, my mom is insane too.
  11. The smart ones try... So, they have a better win record. The more wins vs. losses, the more the lawyer can charge and the more desirable he is to firms. So, this kid got screwed either way.
  12. Crazier than usual... But, because I worked a double for a coworker I get three days off this week.
  13. Apply lotion to hands before they ink you. It comes off really easy that way. Use a moisturizing soap.
  14. I might not make it... I get off work at midnight I think?
  15. I'd just tell them to do it their damn self. It's going to hurt, period.
  16. My alter egos don't have their own names... I am the person that you think I am, but I'm that for everyone. So, truly I'm not. I literally have a different persona for every aspect of my life. There are multiple personas for friends, depends on which group I catagorize you in as to which one you get to see. I rarely let anyone see more than 2-3 versions of me. It's quite true that no one will ever really know me.
  17. You can always text me... But, I broke my charger, so I have to go get a new one at Meijer tonight.

  18. Eevee isn't missing much, especially not- being so young.
  19. I traded shy for insane, but I do occasionally revert back to shy. I've never met someone who can stay shy around me though. I just treat everyone like I've known them forever... It helps/makes me look more insane?
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