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Everything posted by AstralCrux

  1. Just became alive enough recently to do anything since last Tuesday. (Gall bladders are evil)
  2. Being easily amused. I need to not be stuck anywhere for longer than a day.
  3. Man, I missed being able to read. Take that gall bladder.... You are defeated! I really need to get untrapped from my mother's house. I miss my house and Sid has to be the most depressed parrot ever. I haven't been home in almost a week. I need to be unkidnapped soon.
  4. I laughed so hard I fell off the couch when I saw a commercial on TV for it. I thought I must have sat on the channel changer and hit a late night tv show making fun. But, you can really buy them. I've never wanted a chia so bad. But, I don't think I'd ever be able to look at the dang thing without hysterical laughter. Hence the need for one. OMG all the Obama Chia jokes that pop into my head. Just awesome.
  5. I feel like crap. Gall bladder was removed tuesday night.
  6. I can't wait to get home a knit some hats!
  7. I have the same dilemma... That 5 mile walk shouldn't have given me a couple dime size blisters, but it could have been the dancing at the club that finished off my feet. Eternal: It was the walk on Belle Isle... I had fun. It was great!
  8. I'm amused.... I love randomly upgrading the occasional goth that checks into the hotel.
  9. Huh, Josh keeps telling me I should wear the glasses more often, but I like dancing with contacts better. I've actually whipped around on the dancefloor so hard I've thrown the glasses from my face a few times. I'm lucky they didn't get smashed.
  10. I have a friend who can't hold a conversation without saying that.... I bang head on wall...
  11. It sucks that she has no vocabulary at all... That would be a strange life. I wonder how old she'll age to?
  12. Heh... Well that explains nearly everything... I keep telling people I become violent when rap is played and though it was a remix... I became.... Well... I ran across you before the rap, and after... I kicked myself out before I got too bad. Or, well that's the nice version. I'll stick with that one.
  13. Ok, so maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to do a 5 mile breast cancer walk, then wander around the mall with Robyn, and then dance at City.... My feet are killing me...
  14. That's why I don't give reviews of my night... Besides I caused a nice bit of trouble, and I think I won't be to City for a while or at least until Samhain.
  15. Cursing rapidly in my head.... That woman is such a biatch. And you think I'll give you an upgrade and free breakfast for being an evil troll? Seriously... WTF!
  16. I find it awsome that Flanders works for Playboy... Dang I woulda fell on the floor if his first name was Ned.
  17. I am always slowly preparing for Anarchy, but I believe it is the eventual end result of government... Too much power will always corrupt and it may not even be my generation that the state of anarchy will come down on, but I honestly believe it will. I just don't voice my opinion because everyone already thinks I'm crazy enough.
  18. Mild pain.... Wishing I had a magical "fix" button everyone could use.
  19. Apparently, the remainder of my shift will be spent laughing intensely at my crazy coworker!
  20. Depends on how bad my feet hurt after the Breast Cancer walk I'm doing Sat. am.
  21. Dude.... It's bacon!!!!! There is nothing quite as amazing as bacon.
  22. "To be fair" That phrase never ends up fair... Ever.
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