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Everything posted by AstralCrux

  1. Punk Princess was making them. I guess you'll have to describe your mask. Mine is spiffy with lots of red feathers!
  2. Totally explains why the last time my mom tried an exorcism on me my nose was bleeding. Hmmm... That might be oversharing, but I really do get a kick out of it now.
  3. I'll trade sick as a dog for my acid-reflux. I need a nice end button for the next time it sends me uselessly to the ER.
  4. I dunno. Most people don't stick around to long... Maybe I'm good at it?
  5. Eh, catch me on an adventurous day and I might find long car rides fun.
  6. Not much, zoning out at work, because I'm on craploads of anti-acid-reflux meds. I didn't have a Wednesday because of them.
  7. Note: Many stores still have the occasional pack of cloves left... I've been stocking up. Torn: In response to the it's my life and I'll fuck it up comment. I disagree with using the taxpayers dime so much that I'd die in my home rather than seek medical treatment if I didn't have insurance. (Currently, I have insurance, so my stomach can kill me long before the cigs do.) I also don't smoke around people if they don't want me to, hell I don't typically even smoke in the house. I smoke at bars that allow smoking. If it's true that one cig gets you 7 minutes closer to death. I may have cut out half a year... Maybe a quarter of a year. I'm quite serious that my body will find a way to kill me off sooner.
  8. It might, but I dunno if I trust Cupid's judgement.
  9. Waiting for Loreal to crack me up some more. She's fun to work with.
  10. I'm scheduled to help a friend find a costume... We're gonna hit up Mother Fletchers and some thrift stores if any one wants to come... Just shoot me a PM.
  11. I'm confused.... Where were the girls parents? She really thought she'd get on French Vogue topless? The inital reason for her being over is retarded.
  12. You guys still doing poetry night?

  13. Dunno... Let's poke Rev. and OMG...
  14. Rev. and OMG still host poetry night on Sundays at Trixies... I keep having to work or I'd go more often.
  15. Ha.... You could come stalk me at work and I can feed you cookies!
  16. Time to wander over and grab an iced tea from the kitchen... I love nice easy days at work, just wouldn't like them too often- then I get really bored.
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