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Everything posted by AstralCrux

  1. And the smiley lightsaber battle didn't help? I love that one.
  2. Ok, so I re-read that and if you have a dirty mind... It's funny as hell! Think innocent when I type and it comes out dirty. LOL
  3. I do... I'm walking fun when I go out! Let me know the next time you plot to go out... If I'm off and available- you'll have fun!
  4. I'll keep an eye out... Did you look in the adult costumes? You may have to stitch it up a bit, but hey, Sally is stitched anyway!
  5. That... Thankfully is a common costume. You can find it at most holloween shops. I just saw one when I took the nephew shopping.
  6. WTF! I tell you, you can't bring the damn dog in and you do anyway. 5 minutes. If they aren't out in 5 I kick the whole room out. GRRRR...
  7. If I see another one I'll try to catch it. The ones that big give Val panic attacks and that makes it worse if I have to try for it, my phobia isn't as bad but I don't want near the spider.
  8. Huh.... I haven't done a road trip in almost a year... Sounds fun... I'd be game and I have spiffy hotel discounts.
  9. I think the odd are in your favor that she'll look at you with very confused eyes. If it's me you run across, I'll be laughing my ass off.
  10. I've told my parents, flat out, that if they don't have insurance or a plan to bury themselves- they are being donated to science. I know I won't have the money for it. Besides, might as well let those future doctors learn.
  11. I've dealt with my share of not having insurance and being impaled with medical bills. But, I put myself into positions now where my employer has benefits. I like the industry I'm in, because most hotels offer benefits- even non-corporate hotels I've worked for. I don't agree that we need to throw anymore money in the fire. I don't trust the people voted in to do a good job, because they consistantly do dumb things. And, gosh darn it, I find it hard to believe some days that these are educated people. But then I remember... Most of our presidents and elected officials were in fraternities and sororities... Then I think about my college days. Makes sense now.
  12. I gotta say. Everyone I know that started smoking underage used Marlboro, Newports or some variety of menthol. I'm the only freak that started on flavored cigs... Guess how many I smoke a week? 3-4 individual cigs. Guess how many they smoke? Packs. I stopped to prove a point for 2 weeks. I just like them, so I have one from time to time. Hey, we could ban things that are bad for us... Then we can join the Amish, 'cause that's what we'll have by the time we're done.
  13. So, if I take pics of the big spiders that try to invade my house you'll come over and get them and keep them as pets? Would you like to visit sometime? I'll even take you out to eastern market and we can club hop. Sorry, but the spiders scare me, so you can have them.
  14. Soulrev I agree with you, but that's why I haven't posted in here. I don't think we'll be happy in the long run.
  15. We had tons of books. My brother had a small walk-in closet that we turned into our "library." I more or less spent all my time reading or watching TV. I was a shy little kid, so I only played for the most part when people wanted me to think up games. I was in charge of new game creation and founded several neighborhood clubs that lasted a week or two.
  16. Wishing we didn't get so many prank calls at work.
  17. I used to really love Sue Likes Blue when I was under 5. Read that thing like 4 times a week, if not more.
  18. I dunno. With Paypal you can get away with just having a checking account, so viably you can do away with credit cards most of the time. I only really feel they're best to have just to check into hotels, and you can pay cash when you check out. So many people now are trying to scam that they're becoming manditory for hotel check-in. Debit cards are NEVER a good idea for checking into hotels with. Credit Cards are the worst addiction I've ever had and I smoke.
  19. Ha... I'd go out of my way to say things like that in public. That's awesome. I need to write more phrases I find to be hillarious down to use later. I had a party game like that once, it was great.
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