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Everything posted by AstralCrux

  1. I'm happily being paid $13 an hour to goof around on DGN and read a book... I love my job!
  2. That curiosity is plotting to kill the Gemini. (We're worse than cats)
  3. It's starting at Renfest... (Let me know if you need a ride) and making its way over to my house in Southfield. You'd be welcome to bring a friend or two and the hubby of course.

  4. I'd say try to find new coping skills after you get off the meds and don't try any again. Find more healthy outlets for yourself and your feelings... Do something you're passionate about and try to keep busy. You'd be surprised how much that helps. Even if all you're doing is cleaning the house.
  5. Don't take the Prozac!!!! It's head killing evilness!!! My dad initally loved the Wellbutrin, but I think he started to become suicidal.
  6. I was on the Prozac at one point. My poor brain's been fried since... Hopefully you become yourself again after this. I'd say cut your pills in half until you can see your doctor. I cut the Prozac cold turkey as soon as I realized my brain was leaving me.

  7. I'm getting paid to read a book and goof around on DGN! I really love working Sundays!
  8. My co-worker no-showed, so I'm gonna make her work my Saturday!
  9. Huh? Bonfire? We could do that in my backyard! I'm plotting a trip to Disney World!!!
  10. You and Rev. should come to Val and my International Talk Like a Pirate Day party. Sept. 19.

  11. I'll try to remember that next Saturday when I go to Eastern Market... I'll let you know. Honestly, it can't be too hard to track down. I could ask my head chef at my hotel.
  12. Yeah, let me know... We're staring at Renfest and afterpartying at my place in southfield.

  13. Val and I are having an International Talk Like a Pirate Day party on the 19th. PM me for directions.

  14. Awesomeness, that would be so cool to have in case of zombie apocolypse! (OMG will I never end that joke?)
  15. Heh.... The Sookie Stackhouse series came in from Ebay... I barely got sleep. So, Sept 19 I renfest and pirate speak.
  16. Amused by the word kiwi.... So, quite good actually.
  17. PHYSICAL: Height - I'm 5'2, so it's pretty easy to find someone taller, but with the right personality that isn't manditory. Very tall shoes would be if you're short. ;-) Weight/body type - I generally like a medium build and really only like back muscles, so yeah... Mildly flexible on build, but I might stare at your back in amazement/draw you. Eyes - Varies, but I want to see the depths of your soul when you look at me. I generally can anyway, but nice eyes are a plus. Hair - Darker the better, but unnatural colors can be fun too. Skin - Paler the better. I stick right in the pale zone. Character - I'd like the honor of the Japanese to run through your blood. Not afraid to stand up for what you believe in/not a pushover/not easily taken advantage of. (Sub in the bedroom is ok.) Someone who understands that none of us know everything, but should be willing to teach me what I haven't learned and happy to learn what I know. Here's the quirky part.... You have to understand that I say things that most people would judge as insane, but it's just along the lines of premonition and I don't always realize what crazy things I'm saying until after. For example, with an ex I told his family at a holiday- just after I met these people mind you- that I was going to take him off his meds and more or less change their perceptions about him. A year later his aunt cried when she found out I was right, but all up until then I got to be psycho girlfriend! Get me in the right state of mind while drunk sometime... You'll see. I don't drink at anyone's family events for that reason. Should be against drugs. Clothing: Hehehe... You have to be willing to occasionally let me dress you and apply makeup. ;-) I don't mind if you take longer than me to get ready, but I can and will try to tempt you into sex and ruin your look... hehehe... I'm pretty flexible about most clothing, just try to look like you care about yourself. EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL: Someone that isn't a project. I'm not going to fix you, so damnit come perfectly wonderful in advance thanks. Seriously, someone who isn't afraid of the word committment. Rarely, I find myself so committed to a person that I put the depths of my heart and soul into that person, you need to deserve that before you think about even basically dating me. Stable enough that being around me doesn't change your entire life. (Don't laugh, it happens alot.) PERSONALITY: Someone who recognizes the whisperings of intuition and acts accordingly. (I stole that, is awesome response.) I'm extremly quirky and I like to do things without the hint of a plan. Plans always change and morph into better plans, and you have to understand that I'll spend one day just hanging out and reading/vegging to the TV or I could be trying to pack too much to do into another day. Shy doesn't matter, I've never met anyone shy, you can't be around me and I like to prove that for kicks and giggles. I'm good with strange. SPIRITUALITY: I'm open to most beliefs, just not keen on organized religions. You'd have to believe in a little bit of something, or you'd have me put in a padded cell for what can come out of my mouth. SEXUALITY: I've always liked affeminent <sp> guys. In my mind I've contemplated tying down a woman and really enjoying giving her a bath with my tongue, but I've never gone further than kissing with girls. I'm pretty open to trying new things, but no intense pain (light is fine) and I've never been a big fan of anal. If you have the right pheromones I won't be able to get within 3 feet of you without trying to rape you. Only one person, my first bf, had this quality and it was fun. I like to build up the sexual tension as long as I can, because frankly ripping off clothes and slamming into walls is sexy. ;-) HOBBIES/INTERESTS: I'm good with most hobbies and interests. I read and like to buy the books I like, so clearly I like to be broke. lol. If I like an author I read everything that they write and collect it. Mary Renault is one that I still need to collect books for. lol. Gemini... I get off topic and am trying not to go on and on about her greek fiction. Anyway, I like painting and drawing and any other random craft I can get into. It would be super cool if you know metalwork or welding.... I'd like to learn that. MTG player is a plus. I keep trying to learn RPGs but I can't ever find a teacher. JOB: I have one, but I also have this running joke (or is it?) about having a househusband to do all the chores and lounge around naked until I get home. Jobs are nice and an education with a job is better. Bare minimum, you need to have a GED plus a good reason for why you didn't graduate. (GED at 12 is a bonus, so is a math geek) FAMILY: I love my returnable kids! I have enough nieces and nephews that someday might end up mine because my siblings are morons and the grandparents can't live forever. If you really insist on having kids, the only way I'll agree is if I'm able to homeschool them. My credibility as a teacher/tutor can be referenced. I'd personally rather travel than have kids and I really wouldn't want to have my offspring life through the taxation they're gonna get beat down by.
  18. Just waiting on the nice Jimmy Johns delivery driver.... Yummy!
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