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Everything posted by AstralCrux

  1. To Renfest or not to Renfest?.... That is the question. Whether it be nobler to save the money for Talk Like a Pirate Day or to just have fun...
  2. I dunno. I have to work at 5, so I'd have to leave early.... Hmmm...
  3. Switch to Djarum Blacks... Almost everyone I know could quit from them and those that smoke Blacks can just quit. I've been cutting back myself, but I've stopped for 2 weeks just to prove a point to a friend. Good luck.
  4. Ok, Val, the only thing I can think of for *it* always ends up dirty. LOL
  5. You don't live in Wasteland... You live in Brandyland! Yay for the coconut monkey!

  6. Just gave a discount to a guy at the hotel because he has the same last name as my favorite Star Trek captain! I'm so easily amused.
  7. Depends on how much my feet hurt... I don't get out of work until midnight, so I'd have to do a quickie outfit and makeup.
  8. 40 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 17 members, 21 guests, 2 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name AstralCrux, elektrosonik, Google, pomba gira, eatdirt426, phee, Spook, Lucia_Woolf, Raev (3), MSN/Bing, prick(3), jynxxxedangel, GothicRavenGoddess(3), XillaToxic, Megalicious, Ask Jeeves, LulaLaRose, Shade Everdark, Msterbeau, deathfearsnone
  9. Not bad, I actually pay less for my mortgage though... Glad you're happy with the house!
  10. Enjoying the fact that my backyard is pretty. I've got a ton of yardwork next year though if I do a garden...
  11. +1 That's the reason I've been so socially withdrawn. I don't just want to be someone's guide. Personally, it would be nice if I at least had learning experiences or people stuck around. Poor Val, I've gotten to the point where I just don't even want to let her in my head at all, though I still try to guide her... *sigh* Yeah, dunno that I'll ever escape being a guide, I was just over Joni's motivating her 2 weeks ago. I'm hopeless. lol
  12. MTG Night, but I plan to eventually start that back up... one of these days. I used to go out more, but for the general stress and funds going to other things I haven't done much of that either. I miss the dancing mostly. Bonfires in the backyard, but that only has to do with me being lazy and not having people over more often. I fixed the fireplace this summer so gosh darn it I'm gonna enjoy reading by it.
  13. Yeah, I've had dogs that like attention so much they'd sit through just about anything, so I don't think a funny haircut's going to kill them. But, I'd never do it if the dog didn't like alot of grooming attention. The panda was cute though. Some of those designs were a bit much, even for me.
  14. Use clove oil or black licorice to alieviate tooth pain.
  15. Sorry to hear that you have such things in common with me. *sigh* It's a strange life I drive myself through. I'd be glad if my ex's flings would quit tracking me down to tell me about how he affected their lives. It would make life less annoying and I might go out more.
  16. I assure you my life would have been far less painful and lonely if my family could even remotely care about each other. I now suffer the belief that I really can't even have close friends. People have always come into my life that need me as some form of guide for them. When they have learned what they can from me... they leave. It's a horribly sad way to live. I've accepted it as my way of life, but I'm not much of a fan. It's caused me to become more and more isolated from people.
  17. Black suit, white shirt.... I has nice uniform, but I wish we could wear a colored shirt.
  18. You Need Adventure You need change, excitement, and thrills in your life. You can't stand being bored. You crave new experiences... big experiences. You are big on taking risks. Staying stimulated is crucial for your happiness. If you don't have enough to do, you tend to cause drama. If you can harness the way, you are a visionary leader. You are ready to charge ahead into the future. The other half of my gemini took that part. lol
  19. Sunday.... My work schedule would allow me to attend almost every Sunday, assuming I have the money.
  20. I have, and I wouldn't have even come back if it hadn't been for Troy. I'll be honest, my ex posts here and I avoided this site for over a year- it hurt too much. I put too much of my heart and soul into my relationship with him, so when you see me get bitchy it's because some string of my frozen dead heart got loose. Randomly I become sorely tempted to just ask Troy to delete my account altogether. I rather feel like Creatureofthenyte in this regard. But, One of the things that lead me to the concept that I will probably never date again happens to be that I believe it isn't fair to start any relationship unless I am completely over all previous relationships. I don't think it's fair to get into anything without giving the new person a clean slate. Never would I hold a past relationship against someone I'm currently with. Due to that mentality, I don't think I'll ever date again... I just can't. That isn't to say I'm not happier single. I'm loosing weight slowly without really trying, because I'm happier in a sense. I'm not being put through a form of living hell by anyone, though I've cut so many people out of my life that should be an easy one. It's peaceful. Loneliness sneaks in from time to time, and I can feel completely alone in a room full of friends, but with a good book to distract me... the loneliness goes away for quite a while. So, I battle my own demons, yes, I might complain, but overall I'm better off.
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