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Everything posted by AstralCrux

  1. *jealous* Nah, seriously, have fun.
  2. Generally ok. I needs to stalk April though. :-)
  3. So pretty and so expensive.... I want to make those pants now thanks.
  4. I usually aim for "honorable choices" that harm none and are good for all.
  5. I feel moderate. That nice bland state in the middle.
  6. Val thinks we need an empty room with lots of old plates and stuff to throw. Salvation army and $5, you're set for a while. Man, you know it's been a hard week when Rev. is having a bad day. (I'm not worried, you'll be back to positive thinking again soon.)
  7. I think predominantly Pomba was referring to the fact that the suburban Michiganders don't have a clue about Detroit. And, that is a shame. So many are afraid of Detroit- I run across it alot with coworkers or new friends, because they never spend time in Detroit. Those of us, myself included, that grew up in Detroit know that there are some things that are not to be missed. We've seen the good and the bad- and damn there's alot of good! Trying to inform those not from MI is even harder, because our statistics suck. We're on the top 10 for murders. We make compton look good. I've met people from Compton afraid of going down into Detroit. (I work in hospitality, so I get a really interesting perspective about what people think because I talk to them about it)
  8. Dude, why steal from your family? That screws trust out the window. When the trust is gone it's harder to get real help when you need it. My brother has a bad theft habit and my dad won't let him live at my dad's house because of it. He doesn't even get to spend the night when he visits. But, my sister, who has drug issues is allowed to stay, because she doesn't steal and my dad tries harder to help her. In my experience, drugs fork life over. They bring hard times and unneeded worry. Trust me, after the first time your house gets raided and the cops take anything of value in your house, you'll think again about how much you like that pot. (or whatever it is) When this fighting is an everyday occurance, are the drugs worth it? I've given up most of my family because the drugs have warped them so bad they just use and abuse the people they're around. I used to love them, we used to get along, and now I only have a little tiny bit of family I still consider family. Holidays tend to suck for me and I miss some family that I'd still talk to, but the other freaks go to these events and I don't need the issues. Don't let your family do this, it's sad, and there is something you can do now.
  9. I'd feel that they weren't trustworthy. If someone said they wanted to give me a gift, they could make me a card and make dinner (since they didn't specify the gift) and I wouldn't question the gift. Hell, make me a cookie and that counts. So, this person- not so smart and not so good long term.
  10. Don't you love it? I'm so addicted, I have a second city now. And, I'm plotting to have nearly infinite satellite cities. I'm just trying to use Monty Python references for the names of the satellite cities.
  11. Outer Dr. has some great communities located off it. The northern part seems well maintained. Beautiful homes and such.
  12. The thing about the gang tours... I would think it would discourage criminal activity. You'd get busted too easy with a huge bus full of people as witnesses. Though, criminals aren't always bright, some are deviously so. It could backfire in a bus bombing type of way. We already have a tour of Detroit's ruins. I'd go on it, but I just haven't bothered to look into it enough to go. It would be fun.
  13. We get tourists, and there are tour groups you can take. I'll have to listen to the radio show clip to get a more specific answer for you.
  14. Interesting, your sig suggests you're a DJ at the Works. But, perhaps you aren't. There a quite a few other things I'd like to say, but I won't. It's up to the individual as to how each would like to represent their company.
  15. I find it unbelievably professional for DJs of other establishments to be picking on a new night at another venue.
  16. Generally, I've been rather calm. I needs to look into getting the interwebs at home, so I can stalk LillyLu more effectively.
  17. I'm a little lost... What's happening Sunday? I work the afternoon shift.

  18. No, but there's a market in Japan for cute used ladies underwear.
  19. Southfield, not too far from the library.

  20. Yay! Now you can send him up to my work for cookies... As you live near my work and I has yummy Doubletree cookies. (I have a bunch of people addicted to them, lol)
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