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Everything posted by AstralCrux

  1. PBS was just doing a special on the first "North Americans" and they have carbon dating back at least 15,000 years. They're thinking that we could have had pre-clovis people that were here before that, but the scientific community is calling that taboo.
  2. Classy... I let out a nice loud belch on mine yesterday.
  3. Lyra goes to the land of the dead and has to leave her daemon behind.
  4. I could potentially die of boredom at work. Seriously, I have cookies.... Warm chocolate chip cookies.... Someone amuse me!
  5. I have a crazy schedule. I would never be able to stick to specific nights.
  6. Contacts are wierd. Removing them is freaky.
  7. I'm good at telling if people have alot in common, but randomness tends to be how I accidentally matchmake people. I find myself extremely disappointed in how little my last friend that set me up knew me. I really wouldn't put myself through that level of disappointment again, she thought we would be a good couple because she felt we were both "workaholics." He had work and living with his parents, I have a life- but I felt that she doesn't feel that way.
  8. Watching some interesting outfits wander through in the hotel lobby.
  9. That tombstone is very phallic. *giggle*
  10. Crank, you need to enjoy the laid off part, and you now get bonus free school. Damn, man, take advantage of the government for once! And gosh darn it anyhow- enjoy raping your government for freebies!
  11. I really want to see the new Harry Potter. Tonight, I think.
  12. I love being in a grocery store all gothed up and old people telling me how much they like my style and to "never change for someone else." I am also a big fan of being exceptionally nice while in goth gear to disspell the stereotypes that are associated with it. I go out of my way to be more fun and friendly in my gothed-up stuff.
  13. I love makeup on men. It takes me alot longer to figure what would look good on their facial frames though. I really think that I'll not let any future guys of mine wear it in public. I created a monster last time.
  14. I stare at the pretty people. If there is something fashionably pleasing about an outfit, or I'm trying to figure out how it's made, I gawk. But, I eventually meander up and start talking to the person I'm gawking at. I've had many a very long and interesting conversation about what someone is wearing and where they shop. I also gawk at people wearing rediculious things. They deserve it, how can people dress like that and not look in a mirror before they leave the house? If you have a mullet- I will stare and giggle internally until I dang near fall over or start giggling out loud. I seriously couldn't keep a straight face, but I was in a wal-mart in Taylortucky. What did I expect? But, yes, I laughed and Jeff Foxworthy jokes ran through my head.
  15. I wouldn't use the Wiki, it gives too much away. I resented reading the first Wiki part for Blood and Chocolate.
  16. I was having a fabulous night. Val brought her brother with us, and he got kicked out for vomiting and passing out. So, I grudgingly left at 2. I will never drive another newbie again! I always have horrible luck with groups and leave too early. I found some arm candy for the night and was having a ball wandering around and dancing. Very happy to see DarkJuggalette. <sp?> If ever you want me pointed out, ask Crank and Rambo- I've known them for 7-8 years.
  17. Your Address Says You're Brainy Right now, you have so many interests and hobbies that you hardly have time for anything else. You live a rich life, and you find the world to be very fascinating. At your best, you're discovering new literature, art, music, and food that you love. At your worst, you are a bit picky. Sometimes you find it hard to be open to new things.
  18. How did you like the writing style? Is this a series or just a single book?
  19. Rarely, and usually in jest with friends.
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