It seems picking a day won't be a problem.... I anticipate that every night will have either RPGs going on or MTG. Either way, there will always be someone to play with.
So, if I hold MTG informal style at my place what day woud be good?
At my rate, the hippie commune will just have people over everyday playing randomly. Just depends on if Mira likes to be around ppl that much.
I lives at 8 and Southfield in Southfield. I will post about dates as soon as said house is back together.... my kitchen is lacking counters and my living room has a furnace in it.
Ooooh, that's you, LOL... I are slow this morning. Do you want lots of plants? You should be part of my Zombie minions....
For anyone else who wants to stalk me on FaceBook.
St. Masey, you can hang out with me... I'll protect you (or possibly make out with you, whatever comes first)...
Odds of going much higher now.
What to wear?