My power house is Ammy. I LOVE Okami and I LOVE wolves. So, I strove to be bad ass with her! My team was originally Megaman and Spiderman in 1. Megaman, Spiderman and Jill Valentine in 2. And I'm still experimenting with my team in 3. So far, it's been primarily Jill, Felicia and Ammy. Jill is VERY different in this one, so I'm still relearning her. Spiderman in this one ALWAYS breaks my air combos with a Web Swing and I don't know why, so I gave up on him. And Megaman is absent. I tried Zero, and I DO throw him in my team every now and then. But, I know Felecia from Dark Stalkers and her moves are almost identical, so I use her more often than Zero. And X-23 is fun to play with. I favor agility over strength, as you've probably guess with my teams. But, Amaterasu. She's my ace in the hole.