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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. Hello! Are we enjoying our stay on DGN?

  2. Thanks alot Phee! Now I have that Richard Marx song stuck in my head...
  3. That's very Silent Hill-esque! I agree with Phee, it's neat!
  4. It goes excellently, how 'bout you?

  5. But my ribs haven't healed from the last squeeze.

  6. How dare you! Do NOT squeeze me!!

    I am to be CUDDLED!! C-U-D-D-L-E-D!!

  7. Whoever made that picture TOTALLY stole my idea!! I was going to post a pic of Skunkster drinking out of the toilet and have the caption say : "I'm in your toiletz, stealing your chocolatz"
  8. Damn. Here I thought I was being original...hope you don't mind my using it?
  9. Wolves, foxes and dingos They would play keyboards,drums,guitars and sing (howl)! Was that a completly random question?
  10. Ewok nmakes all the children feel better (and really creeped out) via Phee's siggie..
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