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Members X (10)
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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. Why must you name your cat 'Pookie', that's the pet name I dubbed Punkfairy8805...
  2. (I like this gif so much it's going on my sig!!)
  3. 13 guests, 3 members, 1 anonymous members DeadBurgerKing (+), Cobion.com, Slept with ghost, rilith_alar_84 Not many people at the moment...
  4. Has writers block...(get it, writer's block...he was writing a smiling hitting a wall of BLOCKS...maybe I'm fishing too hard with this one...)
  5. "Lake Titicaca...oh Lake Titicaca... It's between Belivia and Peruuuuuu Lake titicaca oh Lake Titicaca... With waters tranquil and blueeee Lake titicaca oh Lake Titicaca... Why do we sing of it's fame... Lake titicaca oh Lake Titicaca... Cause we really like saying it's name... TITICACA!!!" -Yakko, Wakko and Dot from Animaniacs
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