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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. HIGH-LOW!! I'm DBK, the annoyance of DGN. I'm easy to spot at City Club, I'm the crippled kid sporting blue hair and goggles!! We will do everything we can to make you feel welcomed!! And if you have any questions, concerns or comments feel free to voice them!!
  2. I dunno, I haven't checked my myspace recently. but I'll get to it today. Why?

  3. Ok, I don't know what you feel HH. I'm confused. Are you cute when you sleep? Are you tired of humping? Or could it mean you feel like going to go to sleep WHILE humping?
  4. Wish I could say the same. I'm more of a repellent LOL

  5. Damn youse Troy, Damn youuuuuuuuse!! Haha

    So, did you introduce yourself in your welcome thread yet? Cause I could've sworn there was a thread for you...

  6. Have you thought about an official DGN myspace group yet? Cause I wouldn't mind taking on that task. It wouldn't be hard to maintain either since all the group is for is to send people here. With a huge "Come to DetroitGothic.Net that's where the party's at!!" or something similar as a link back here on the main page that could open up a massive traffic detour to here from myspace. I mean it'd be another search option for DGN. Aside from Google. With people typing any combination of words like "goth" "detroit" "detroit goth" "goth in detroit" etc etc in the myspace search, it'd search google AND myspace for it. Also in reference to what Daniel stated: I actually have 4 links to DGN from my myspace. I forgot the link in my pictures on myspace. I have the DGN group photo from one of the Freak Friday Karaoke nights. and in the caption I have 'DGN' as the link back here. Also, I'm going to put the 'friend us on myspace button' on my myspace right below the DGN buttons. Hehe. Btw, troy You should put that button up with the other banners and buttons too...but then again you would rather advertise DGN not DGN's myspace, huh?
  7. Hello!! Troy hasn't mentioned anything about the 1st best flirt yet, has he? Yeah, because you see...that'd be me!!

    How are you?

  8. HIGH-LOW!! I'm DBK, the annoyance of DGN. I'm easy to spot at City Club, I'm the crippled kid sporting blue hair and goggles!! We will do everything we can to make you feel welcomed!! And if you have any questions or comments feel free to share them!! ... You look very familiar...have I met you before? Or perhaps you're on my friends list on Myspace?In which case, forgive me for not remembering, I am a myspace whore and I have nearly 2000 people in my friends list!! :laugh
  9. Hopefully my birthday wishes I gave you on myspace will make up for my late birthday wishes here...*braces for response* I'm sorry...HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY!! *gentle grin*
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