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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. Stop beating yourself up for missing it and celebrate the fact DGN has been around for 6 years!! (I've only been involved in a year and a half of those 6 years, but I'm still celebrating it...where's my vodka haha)
  2. Right. That's pretty much what it is. A group is a message board that is really similar to a forum. So, Troy you're right, I think it would distract from DGN more than coax people to join. Though, on the contray, it COULD help. We could make a group, but have something like this for a heading: "If you are looking for Detroit area oriented Gothic info,events or have a similar interests, come and introduce yourself to the DetroitGothic.Net network!!" And have that entire header a link to here. Nothing more in the group other than that on the page. It could open up a door to myspace users wondering about michigan area goth. Whatcha think?
  3. I choose YOU HUNHEE!! Quick, use "Flirtatious wink"!! Then while he's immobolized by love, use "FURY SWIPES"!! (I know it's off subject, but I couldn't help myself...sorry Troy.)
  4. Define 'sweet talk'...

  5. SO IT WAS YOU!! You stole my thunder!! Everytime I went to pass it out they'd tell me they allready had one!!
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