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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. LIES!! You said you moved here because of Phee's muscle flexing and my limitless Mt.Dew. I feel cheated!!
  2. But I don't know if Troy would appreciate us using the cards in such a fashion. (Waits for permission from Troy) Oh, Candy!! That'd be awesome if you were there!! I want to get a picture of us. I want to try and get a pic with me and every DGN'r. Plus, it's been a LONG time!! You wouldn't be alone though. You'd be there with US!!
  3. I can't wait for my first public oppurtunity to pass these out! Though I had a couple of friends come over this past weekend and it was my first time meeting them, I gave them both a card. I dunno if they're going to join though :(
  4. Awesome!! Can I have two, please?
  5. Could you guys be more serious? Seriously please? Seriously...
  6. Muffins? Do we have blueberry muffins?
  7. I've actually developed a new one...
  8. I actually learned about this site from AstralCrux way back when she first took me to CC.
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