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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. Not much here, how about you?

  2. My primary reason is transportation and finances. I would LOVE to go every weekend if I could. But I can't sadly. (Sigh)
  3. Yea, the board is allready blue...your monitor is just off hue. Open your monitor options and mess with the hue untill the board is blue. Of course those smilies might be green. But so long as the board is blue, it's set right!
  4. Who is that sexy, sexy hunk of man?? Is...is it...is it...no, it's just me...sorry about that. I thought it was you, but I was just looking in the mirror. Sorry about that!! Haha jk jk


  5. I'm sorry, but I'm TOTALLY stoked about these cards...just like Paris Hilton and sex, I'm giving them out to everyone and everything!!!
  6. Yea, you follow in Sling's footsteps...but you love the wheel tracks that the DBK leaves behind!!
  7. *slicks hair back* Awwwwwwwwwww yea...haha!! Charisma? Or is it the fact that I'm cute as hell? Naw...IT'S BOTH!! Haha.(That wasn't self centered at all wasit?)
  8. I'd have to agree with Rayne. It looks a little bit more clean and organized in the weekly one. And it's easier to read the events as opposed to monthly being kinda squished together. I'm not saying that the monthly one is not neat or unorganized. It's just that I personally think the default should be weekly, then if the user wants it by month, they could just change the view, right?
  9. The Washington Monument (I maybe wrong, but I'm trying to say that I'd pick the giant triangular pillar...thingie...) and I'd name it a more fitting, yet innapropiate name *giggle* and I'd name it that innapropiate name for obvious reasons *more giggling* Anyone know what I'm talking about?
  10. Midnight blue! If you could make your hair any color (ANY color) and the color you pick would make your hair naturally and permenantly that color, what color would you choose?
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