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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. Excellentai!! We will do co-op career mode on GH 3 together!! ;)

  2. You feel like a god when you play songs on Expert and get over 95%!!

    I sadly live in boring ass Howell.

  3. Diamond or Pearl. Those are the primary ones for the DS.

    I wish I had money for such neat and pretty electronic devices. Sigh.

    We need to hang out and play some Guitar Hero!! that's what we need to do!!

  4. Aww!! A whole bunch of my friends and I play it. We use the wifi and battle each other while calling each other douches and whoebags. Cause it utilizes the ds's microphone!!

  5. Do you have Pokemon, by chance?

  6. Well, I have XP. I like XP, but Vista confuses me. I'm not one that's a comp nerd. I know next to nothing of it. Video games,anime and cartoons...now that's another story.

  7. Vista sucks. I understand why you're lazy about checking online things now. But I don't have a reason HAHA!

  8. Ohhhhhhhh yeah. you did add me. I usually take a long time to accept adds just cause...well, I'm lazy. HAHA! But i addeed ya' back. ;)

  9. Retail job? Two words for you, "ouch" and "ouch". :/

    What's your myspace? You gotta have one...

  10. Can't. No money and no ride.

  11. Well, I do plan a trip there on the 27th.

  12. It was probably you then!! Ha! In which case, I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't know what to say or do to break the ice other than "Nice hair" which by my standards is rather lame. LOL!

  13. Do you know Heather Zayne? There was a chick with a mohawk talking to her when I approached her. But I think it was a blonde mohawk...

  14. Sorry I forgot to call you back. I've been kinda anti social lately...

  15. How be ye?

    *huggles and cuddles*

  16. Owen and I look like we're getting anal exams..it's a classic...
  17. You know, she sings an amzing song in Final Fantasy 8, "Eyes On Me". Arrrgh, if it was physically possible to have sex with her voice I SO would...I'd even call it the next day...
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