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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. Hey i could take it it wasnt a problem..I slept like a baby...but if I pay 80 bucks for a room there should be heat damnit lol No,no,no hun...no need to apologize...that's completly understandable...the fact that u tried means alot to me...I just feel bad that u tried so hard when u werent feeling well...u can always make it up to me by giving me a biiiiiiiiiiiiig hug the next time we see each other...k?
  2. It was ok...Jackass was hillarious...saw a few people and got bday wishes from them...I was hoping for more of a turn out 4 my bday though...I invited and told alot of people about the parties....things kept happening that depressed me on the dance floor (which I explain in another post that leads to my blog which goes into detail)...but Joni tried very haRD to make my bday awesome...if it wasn't for her it would've been another crappy birthday...we stayed the night in the hotel, which was friggin' cold...so just a note, if you stay the night in the hotel after city club during the winter BRING EXTRA BLANKETS...they told us "the heat is regulated"...BULL!! there was NO heat...blah...
  3. Is a paradox within a paradox that married a female paradox and had 4 paradox children in a paradox house with a paradox lawn and lived happily ever after in a paradox...
  4. That's a big "no" for me...I'm going to the Rocky Horror show at Mephisto's...maybe next weekend guys...
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