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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. Only if it's by you *bats eyelashes*
  2. Goddamnit Brenda...We're trying to thread jack here...stop trying to threadjack the threadjacking thread....geez O what was missing has arrived *drum roll* me of course!!! hehehe
  3. T & A are on all women...hehe and I havent seen Janedead in a while... Did you hit her computer with a sledge hammer?
  4. Has yet to add me on myspace...and if she doesnt have myspace should get myspace...cause EVERYONE has myspace!!
  5. Yes...yes it was haha...I'm so happy...I finally made the board of infamous "funny quotes" YAY!!
  6. Was prom King...for a split second b4 the they realized they counted the votes wrong...
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