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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. This With much more of And And play some of the above on and
  2. Yeah!! Maybe I could get you to install my dreads? *bats eyelashes*

  3. I didnt get an pics of me as L from Death Note from Halloween. I might throw the clothes on and take some pics though, it's not that hard...
  4. YAY!! I don't think I'll have the money for CC until after the Holidays..

  5. I hope you had a good time and reconsider leaving!! :D

  6. Sadly no. I forgot to get one taken...

  7. Notta. Getting ready to clean. Such a horrific choir it is.

  8. *huggles and cuddles back!!*

  9. No! You're not allowed to be sad!!

  10. Well, I'd double check your sources. They act just like any large group of friends would act.
  11. It went rather well. though everyone kept assuming I was dressed as a preppy for Halloween instead of L from Death Note...

  12. Nooooooooooooooooo!!

  13. *blush* Notice the gloves?? Jesse gave them to me and they're my new favorite accessory!! After dressing up as L for Halloween, I shall be wearing them everytime I go to CC!! (They look good AND keep me sanitary!!)
  14. This is my new fav: I look so delightfully goth. It's kinda croppy though because it was taken at the Skat Ratz Punk Gathering here in Howell, and this particular picture was of me and Danny. He had his arm around me. And I really liked the picture of me and wanted it to be my default, so I had to cut him and his arm out which was rather difficult. Then I edited it a bit added a blue tint to the entire picture and viola!
  15. Hey! Ineed that to shake...

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