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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. Trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my night....
  2. If I was a cloud...I'd be white and fluffy watching Russia go through all its changes...and I'd be shaped like a meat cleaver... If you were a dragon would you have wings?
  3. I am working on my Silent Hill 4 file...trying to get any ending but the really really bad one...that one I allready acheieved lmao
  4. If we are...then the universe is FUCKED lmao If you could be a cake what kind would you be?
  5. T-rex...cause it conquers all...except that pesky comet... Do you believe that's why dinosaurs are extinct?
  6. One line from an Ultima Online game.."I bleed...why do you kill me?"...where to begin pointing out the grammer errors in that line... What's your favorite cartoon?
  7. The song that describes my mood right now has no lyrics...But some might know it as "The One Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy 7...But the movie Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children version...it's totally awesome....
  8. Restraining myself from chopping my computer into tiny itty bitty peices with my saber...
  9. I gave myself food poisoning so I'd have a medical reason to miss work... Water or Mountain dew?
  10. Drinking...and wondering where I can get some leftover shrimp pasta salad....
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