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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. Resident Evil Series,Stubbs the Zombie,Silent Hill Series,Final Fantasy Series,Kingdom Hearts Whats thee most disgusting thing to u?
  2. still wearing the boxers and socks...but now i slipped on my sailor moon t shirt...YEA I LIKE SAILOR MOON!!
  3. I'm wondering why I didnt see saephyr at city on saturday....
  4. Trying to firgure out how the hell to get to cc lol
  5. Is wondering what saephyr is talking about...
  6. I dont cut food out of my diet...if i c it and its edible...i eat it.... Anyone else a fan of mt dew?
  7. Shouldnt have a hard time finding me...ill probably be the only person there in a wheelchair sporting goggles and blue hair lmao
  8. Oooooooo but it'd so be worth it...u know it!
  9. Will look for me on saturday...cause ill be there...probably near the bar at the tables hehehe
  10. HELL YEA...I'd be all grabbing my own boobies for that entire 24 hours... Have u ever been cheated on?
  11. Well i dont know anyone that well yet...but mayyyyyyyyybe saephyr *blushes*...but ill spare her dignity and wont go into the details...\ *Abruptly changing the subject....again* Anyone have the turkey bacon and ranch sandwich from arby's??
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