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Everything posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. Is wonder what the hell "saganaki" is....
  2. Yes...i am the stereotypical male after all.... Do u think its sexy when the ladies fart?
  3. Doesnt know that i have a over-active metabolism...(i am 5'7" and 115 pounds and proud of my scrawny-ness)...i can eat anything anywhere without gaining a pound...HAHAHA
  4. Ok now we're getting personal...dont talk about my pasta damnit...lmao jk jk Likes lasagna...
  5. Saw a couple of episodes but was too poor for cable so couldnt make a decsion over a fav episode... Who here agrees Animaniacs was the greatest cartoon EVER?!
  6. Both...mmmm.... Ok here's a personal one...what underwear do u wear when u sleep?...haha...HAHA...MWAHAHAHAHAHA....damn im evil
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