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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. I know, but if they don't login, that doesn't help .
  2. Even if there were, I have a feeling that if you put a Happy Birthday up, 2,900 some odd members wouldn't know about it .
  3. Bought it last week, soooo good. I know I sound like I'm dissing the Detroit scene, but I have yet to hear anything else scene-related come from the area that is so refined, so professionally recorded, and well orchestrated (erm, well it's noise, so unorchestrated...? ) than this, so for anyone wanting something genuine and new, it's worth checking out! Music to write (or paint, create, etc) to if you're like me, been listening to it and knocking out page after page. Or simply sitting back and enjoying it is fine too
  4. Going to open our shop (In case you were curious)
  5. I've been hitting the weights so hard, that the scale says that I've gained weight in the past month...but I've gone down 7" in my waist and hips. For seriously.
  6. Well cool, I'll spot you there then.

  7. You've still got that new member smell

  8. Ever think about coming out to Kubo on a Tuesday?

  9. Tonight...come hang out at the swankiest little new goth/industrial night in town!
  10. Lol didn't get it until 7 days later, shows how much I log in anymore :-P

  11. Lol didn't get it until 7 days later, shows how much I log in anymore :-P

  12. Aww man...almost Tuesday! I'll be there, because, Covenant WHO, right? I'd go only if it were free .
  13. Our Trade Center is supposed to be hosting an ICP wrestling event soon, and I will ONLY participate so that I can lay the smack down on Shaggy 2 Dope.
  14. You got a Facebook by chance?

  15. It's DGN-dreamception.

  16. A HUD home is a home that has been foreclosed on and belongs to either the government or a bank. 9 times out of 10 these homes are bought as-is, so beware of that. The realtor who is associated with the property can probably refer to you to a mortgage company, or you can go through your own bank/credit union to apply for a mortgage loan. When you are approved with a pre-approval, that does not GUARANTEE that they will loan you that much, which can cause the closing to not go through. There is not a whole lot you can do about that, except making sure that you were truthful about your income and finances. Keep in mind, that when you close on the property you usually only have a certain amount of time to fix it up to code before they make you renew all of your permits.
  17. What kind of costume we talkin' here?
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