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Destroit last won the day on December 15 2024

Destroit had the most liked content!


About Destroit

  • Birthday 07/12/1985

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    612 Wharf Avenue, right next to the gentlemen's club.
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Destroit's Achievements

  1. I've had a few, this recent one is Detroit and Destroy, but my original name Chernobyl came from the time when people hardly knew about the accident and I was obsessed with it. Also fits my black and yellow schtick.
  2. Sitting here still not believing that Kat is gone...what a fuckin world Everyone keeps saying the good people are taken first, that said, I'll make sure to shut the door and turn the lights out when the I'm the last one to go...
  3. Frustrated with how things went this morning, picked the day up and turned it around, not going to let it stop me from getting things done that I want to get done.
  4. Both looking forward to and dreading this weekend. Winter camping for scouts for my kid, it's in a cabin so we're not even roughing it, that's not why I'm kinda blah about it, it's having to take off 3 days right now when I've got tasks and work piling up that's hard.
  5. I love that one, watched that with Saint Germain at his place a longggg time ago now. Right now I found a secret spot on the internet where you can watch all of the long-deleted Unus Annus episodes, so I'm catching up. Deffo an unseen side of Markiplier, I'm not complaining
  6. Thinking about how I don't want to list stuff on eBay right now but I like money 🤷‍♀️
  7. That's a hard frustrating situation for the land owner, there needs to be a solution for them and if the city/county isn't helping they're backed in an corner, totally unfair.
  8. Slow af here at the shop, just hanging in there until it's time to go, then it's off to Curriculum Night later at my kid's school.
  9. Currently reading the Feminine Mystique, wild to see how much has changed since it was first written.
  10. To me, I mean, unless you're airing out your SSN and credit card numbers I don't see the issue. I don't get paranoid about people, bots, companies, or the government knowing about my unexciting life where I get up at 6:20 am and jog my dog for three miles, get my kid to school sometime after 8am, bust ass throughout the day doing random tasks, and then going to bed at like 10:30 after possibly getting railed or not depending on how tired we are. I figure if you ARE someone paranoid about that, maybe have a social outlet that isn't the internet? Granted, there's some stuff I'd confide to my close friends to in their living room while we're hanging out that I wouldn't put on the internet, but that's why I don't put it on the internet *shrug*. If AI ends up making another "me" that would be fucking tits, I'd buy at least 7.
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