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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. But...BUT...I deal with stress by supressing it because it works! Right...? So stress and no brain cancer? Damnit, I figured that would have been a surefire way to get a Medical Marijuana Card .
  2. My left eye has been twitching off and on for like a week now maybe. It will randomly start up, spasm for like two minutes, and stop suddenly like it never even happened. I think more specifically it started around the time I got sick and got my huge college grant at the same time. Maybe the excitement of having THAT much money deposited into my poor broke-ass bank account sent my nervous system into a rampage of brutal berzerker excitement and my eyelid is paying the price for it. I guess my question is...do I have brain cancer? Thnx. Stormknight I'm probably looking at you on this one, no pun intended.
  3. "Blackened Death Metal" sounds like some delicious chicken I once had.
  4. Wow, definitely been a long time since I've seen your name pop up, welcome back
  5. http://www.examiner.com/pop-culture-in-hartford/us-military-pilots-on-fox-news-ufo-sightings-over-nuclear-weapons-arsenals A government UFO cover-up? Seven former US military pilots met with the National Press Club today to give testimony about UFO’s they have actually seen while on duty. The seven men have reported sightings of UFO’s from the 1960’s all the way through to 2007. The men talked to Fox News today. The sightings were over nuclear weapons sites and there are more than 120 testimonies from military servicemen who have witnessed this. The Complete Story of these military pilots can be seen at Fox News: HERE Slide Show In several incidents, when these UFO’s were seen hovering over the nuclear weapons sites, simultaneously several of the weapons malfunctioned and there was no way to explain this. The men believe “The US Air Force is lying about the national security implications of the unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it said, Captain Robert Salas. Salas tells Fox News that 10 of the Minuteman Missiles shut down in 1967 at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. The UFO hovered directly over the site of the missiles. The same exact thing happened a week later at another nuclear missile site. UFO’s have been seen over nuclear weapons sites dating back to 1948 and the government classifies these sightings so the public will ever know. Salas and the other military pilots believe who ever these hovering crafts contain inside them, they are very interested in our nuclear arsenal. “There is a strong interest in our missiles by these objects”, Salas says. The men said they were warned by the Air Force never to disclose the details of these events to anyone. Salas told Fox News that these stories are only the “tip of the iceberg”. These are seven military pilots, they are not some quacks with visions of gaining celebrity status. They know of over 120 incidents were the nuclear arsenal was hovered over by one of these objects, again sometimes causing the missiles to malfunction. Connecticut has had its fair share of UFO sightings, many over Long Island Sound. Connecticut UFO Sightings website lists a few of the sightings from around the state.
  6. Rofl, we'll get together 8 or 9 of the scariest goths we know to be bodyguards for the event. Or we can just send in the eternal dressed up as Bear Jew, that is also an effective option.
  7. Yes, Dream Cherny got effed with so much that she is fierce and packs heat. Cherny IRL...also got effed with a lot but does not have the cojones that Dream Cherny has. Someday...*sigh* .
  8. I always have crazy dreams that 100% of the time involve at least two DGN people. They are almost always portrayed as something that they are not in real life, which makes it even more odd. Dream I had for instance (obviously 100% fake and not based in reality or off my opinions what-so-ever, there's my disclaimer): Pest and I were at Nightgaunt and Tszura's party. Someone there (cannot remember who, may have been someone my mind made up) brought up the idea of having someone run down to Detroit to grab cocaine of all things. Trying to impress I guess, I asked Pestilence if we could go. Not wanting to get involved he said "if you're going, you're on your own and you're drunk so you can't take the Cobalt..." I said it was no problem and that I would go on foot, it was four miles one way (from around 9 Mile and John R to...five or six mile I believe I was headed). Obviously he was not comfortable with the idea of me going alone on foot as it was a dangerous neighborhood. He asked where it was I was going and I told him that the person who was sending me was sending me down to Jynxxedangel and Pomba Gira's house because their roommate dealt, and he already called ahead. I was wearing a long black trenchcoat so he said "Well, if you're going it alone and unprotected, unlock the trunk of the car and take the Remington." I'm waddling down John R with a giant 12 gauge shotgun under my trench, and yet was able to keep it concealed enough so cops didn't stop me. I was sent with...I think $120? When I arrived there seemed like there was a loud commotion in the street at the end of the block (cannot remember what street it was). I didn't think anything of it because, well, it is Detroit after all and that shit happens all the time. The person who answered the door (someone I did not recognize) told me to come and hurry so that nobody saw. They muttered something about Jynxxed's man being pissed for some reason and that he was an asshole, but once again, I was there on a mission and was not to be sidetracked by personal business. I went into what I assume was Pomba's room and both her and Jynxxxed were sitting on the bed. Jynxxxed looked upset and I asked why and she said that "he would come looking for her and her brother and when he got here it wasn't going to be pretty..." It occured to me that her brother was the guy that I was picking up from. She said that he would be in any minute with the shit. The commotion at the end of the block became louder and neared the house, and at that time I finally heard a pistol go off in front of the house. Jynxxxed started crying and I heard the front door being kicked down, I locked the bedroom door that the three of us were sitting in. I heard the angry man shooting all through the house and told them to get down under the bed. Pomba said, "We're all dead, you know." to which I replied: "You really think that Chernobyl doesn't have some tricks up her sleeve....or under her coat?" Shaking I took the shotgun shells out of my pocket and tried to load them in the pump-action shotty, trying to be discreet about it so the gunman wouldn't realize that I was also armed. This calmed the two of them down but I definately was NOT calm, I was shaking so hard I could barely aim. What was supposed to be a simple run was going to end up with me having to blow someone away. I heard a loud male voice from the other side of the flimsy wood door. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE AND YOU'RE BOTH DEAD!" The door was kicked open so hard it almost flew off of the hinges and the second I saw the glint of his gun I aimed and blew the guy away. I woke up after that. Trust me if it's crazy dreams you want, I got 'em and most of them involve ALL of you. I can hardly think of any dreams I've had since joining the board that do not involve at least 2-3 of the members here in CRAZY WAYS that would never occur in real life. Maybe I need a shrink?
  9. I still cannot believe they allowed an anime which causes mass game-loss. You think that'd be illegal somewhere...I felt violated by animated schoolgirls
  10. Pestilence and I <3 guns! He is new to hunting and has both a shotty and compound bow. You should call us, we would srsly love to go. If it's a place with a lake nearby I can also get out my fishing addiction, this summer has sucked for going places and I've fished all of like...five times? If you don't still have our number, PM.
  11. Welcome. Couldn't help but notice that you live in Detroit/Hood/Ghetto and I live like, less then a mile from there. Makes us kinda-neighbors, I reckon :)

  12. I live with like five people, all of whom tell me all about it the following day. If all of their stories check out and there are no conflicts or inconsistencies, I then deem it as a reliable eyewitness account.
  13. I am thoroughly offended by your chart, Phee. Everyone knows the Loch Ness Monster is real and still out there swimming around asking everyone it sees for $3.50. Learn your shit, yo!
  14. (Original video: NSFW as you will laugh REALLY GODDAMN loud because this dude is 100% serious and then your boss will realize that you are probably not working on those spreadsheets you've been putting off for some time now) (Hilarious music remix, which I come to find out is by the same people who remixed the Antoine Dodson news report)
  15. It was roughly around the year 2000ish when the internet was bombarded with memes that were specifically song infused. As abruptly as the catchy songness came it mysteriously went away, only to leave the internet with non-sensical memes, stupid 4chan shit that is funny only to myself and all other /b/tards, more stupid stuff, some funny things, dry humor, cheezburger sites, and demotivational posters. A decade ago it was the timeless classics "All Your Base", Tunak Tunak Tun, Yatta, Kitty Cat Dance, and many more. And now, for some odd reason, in 2010 it is back...nearly ALL funny shit on the internet this year is infused with song. This caused two things to happen: Total fucking lulz and then people being tormented mentally the following day at work with phrases such as "Stop having boring tuna, stop having a boring life", "Shamwow, you'll say wow everytime", "Hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your husbands too because they're raping 'errbody out here", and "Guns don't kill people, uh-uhhh, I kill people...with guns" looping endlessly over and over again in the recesses of the mind. Here is the thread to get out all of your internet catchy song torment, or to torment others by posting internet videos with catchy songs. Note that acts such as "Weird Al" and things that are full on parody artists are not what I'm talking about, I'm talkin' about good ole fashioned MEMES, which are phenomenon that flare up on the internet almost over night and then before you know it everyone is talking about it. I'll start with the classic, and my new favorite rap song: Original news report, undoctored: Your turn, tune torture meh! I dare you...
  16. So very...original Tron movie. Clearly this thought provoking photo taken by a shitty webcam in my friend's super dark apartment expresses the perpetual human struggle of Red Guy vs. Blue Guy. Who will win? Chernobyl...Yellow Guy. That is the timeless and paradoxical struggle of... It's just a photo...
  17. Everyone that comes into my house is unwillingly tortured by my roommates and myself. You will be exposed to great classic hits such as: Steve Porter - Slap Chop Remix, Steve Porter - Shamwow remix, Jon Lagone (sp?) - Guns Don't Kill People and Show Me Your Genitals, Anthony Dobson - Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife, George Washington Rap, and the latest called Double Rainbow Song. This gives me an idea for an awful new topic.
  18. So if Jesus is clearly undead, what are your professional views on Raptor Jesus and His words?

  19. This sir, is where we disagree . So srsly want...you know how long it takes freehand to do crazy shit like this?
  20. Hoax! The game cannot be won! The only speculation that the game can be won is in the even that the Prime Minister of Britain were to go on national television and declare "The Game is up!"
  21. Thank you for your donation. I will send you a cheap little paper flag in the mail that you will probably throw away to show that I acknowledge and approve that you care. The flag will have the SP logo on it, how awesome is that? Because if it is one thing we can all believe in, it's got to be:
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