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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. For someone who is slightly leaning to the right, even I find this to be total lulz.
  2. That is super crazy. So it just went rogue and started attacking DGN for no reason? CONSPIRACY I say...I blame Russia.
  3. I was going to sum it all up with the trademark Picard Facepalm of Disapproval...but this will actually work just fine.
  4. So I hear CC had a beach theme this weekend? Do tell.
  5. DGN @ City Club, Saturday, August 28th Come. Join us. Meet us. Hang out. We're not that scary in person, really. Leland City Club 400 Bagley Street Downtown Detroit You enter by going through an unmarked door on the First Street side of The Leland Hotel building just before the gated parking area on the side of the building nearest 1st Street. The club is at the top of the stairwell. (see picture in the link above in the DGN calendar entry) All are welcome. Come meet some of us weirdos. Saturday nights from 10:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. Alcoholic drinks until 2:00 a.m., pop and juices served all night. Admission is $4 18 and up, 21 to drink with proper ID (no exceptions). No drugs, weapons, chains or spikes. Zoomable map to City Club. MDOT lane closures (The map isn't quite exact. The Ramada is located within the Bagley, 1st, Cass, Plaza Dr. block.) In case you don't know the "DGN Corner" is to the right of the bar. Currently theres a table, pillar and white couch there, impossible to miss. Come say hello. If no one is there, stay there, they will show up. More info can be found here: http://www.lelandcityclub.net
  6. Still playing World of Warcraft, running horde on Nathrezim. I'm still relatively new to the game so all I have are lowbies atm, but if you have any new characters and want someone to queue up dungeons with, add meh: Cherny (Undead Warrior, DPS) Boshy (Tauren Druid, Heals) Frankchesska (Troll Shaman, DPS) Hoodoodoctor (Troll Priest, Heals) Tschernobyl (Blood Elf Pali, Tank)
  7. I know, it's even crazier when it's on your street! Kind of like last night when we were over a friend's house watching Tru TV. There was a show on the most shocking high speed chases and it was like "Roseville, MI. This driver was pulled over on a routine stop when he just sped off from officers..." It was SURREAL watching it because I'm from Fraser. The whole video I was like "Okay, now he's at the corner of Groesbeck and 11 Mile...omfg, look he made it all the way to Gratiot. Now he's at 12 and Gratiot.....okay he's at 13 and Gratiot...now he's passing Macomb Mall..." Guy ended up at the curve where Gratiot splits and starts to go into Mt. Clemens. I had never heard about this high-speed chase, I grew up about a mile from there! It was crazy to see.
  8. I went and read the synopsis and saw some photos. Essentially, if I am getting this right, the whole movie there are three people and they are shitting in each other's mouths as they are connected together through a sick experiment to join three people together by the digestive tract? Rofl, I'm in on seeing this one . If only because it is a movie that goes entirely against Dante in Clerks 2...YOU NEVER GO ASS TO MOUTH.
  9. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be more disturbed over...the costume itself or the fact that this guy clearly was born sans-weiner, as the French would say.
  10. I think what I enjoy about the goth/rivethead culture THE MOST is the fact that threads such as this or discussions that goths get into about fashion leads to everyone saying the same thing..."my look is all me, I mix everything!" yet somehow you go to CC to see all of these goths and they all look the goddamn same. Dreadfalls, vinyl, big boots, short skirts, lots of make-up. So I will go out on a limb here to be the first original rivethead out there by saying that I derive all of my style from other cyber-industrial lolita rivetheads, and for that, I am now completely original because I look like the rest of you all. Damnit...now that I'm the only one who is original...everyone else is going to copy my style that everyone else has already been wearing for years and say that they came up with it .
  11. I look like what the City of Chernobyl would appear as if all the radiation its covered in powered the place with life enough to uproot itself and walk into CC. No, I'm fucking around, so srsly not that badass...
  12. Wow...that band list, definitely the creamy peanut butter of club nights, or so it sounds. Wish I would have had the cash!
  13. I'm confused...why did this topic become necroposted? This member has not been on since 2006!!!
  14. Awww...my childhood kitty was Russian Blue (or so the vet assumed, he was a stray but we have had several vets tell us he was most likely, or at least mostly Russian Blue). We're animal people here also, one rat, two cats, a kitten and a tarded dog.
  15. Ha, that's cool, I love when people get bumper sticker referrals. I always wonder who's car it could have been. Remember what kind of car? Oh, and welcome. *drum roll*
  16. No. It shows which country is more stupid by going out of their way to constantly kiss everyone's asses. I'm sick of living in a country where "nobody does anything wrong" and "it's nobody's business what other people do". When it's effecting us all on such a level, I couldn't give two fucks about being tolerant right now. You give tolerance when others are tolerant to you. You respect when others respect you. These people do not project either, and so they will get no tolerance or respect from me. I only feel bad for actual Muslims who are practicing peacefully and are being lumped in with this select group of extremist violent asshats. Although, in that right, I really think they should be doing more to persuade their psychopathic counterparts into realizing that blowing up tons of innocent people is not the way Mohammad intended... I hope this mosque is burned to the ground. It's fitting after what they did to our buildings.
  17. Very true. It's funny that most people blame Bush for the bad economy simply because the media made it out to look like his fault and because he happened to be in office at the time, when in fact, most of the deregulation that set us up for disaster was enacted when Clinton was still in office. Bush, as you said, did try to vote to put regulation in effect.
  18. So this implies that Jesus is Zombiefrankencula? It all makes sense now!
  19. Found this on Asphyxiation Doll's FB Has to do with The Church of Nothing (i.e. anti-religion/spirituality), so figured this would be the appropriate forum.
  20. How backwards is that we live in a country where something as non-damaging and non-addictive as weed is illegal over something as horribly devastating as alcohol/cigarettes. I will never understand the (failed) logic. I don't want this to stop at medical...it needs to be FULLY LEGAL already!
  21. I've always noticed that Friday the 13th is always a good day for me. Odd phenomenon. Maybe it works reverse for goths/rivetheads?
  22. This happened Wednesday. I actually know the family that lives in that "ugly green house" as the little girl who lives there, Stephanie, puts it. I feel bad, it's so nuts it happened right around my block. The man they interviewed, Mr. Dupree, lives in the white house that at the end of the block (three houses from me), the kids that live there come down to play with my next door neighbor's kids. All the kids in this video are the ones that are always coming down to my house wanting to pick stuff out of my garden in the backyard and wanting to talk, etc. Just crazy it happened so close! Even crazier that I didn't know about it until today. Can't believe these people were irresponsible enough to not train their dog, if you are going to have a pitbull you REALLY need to go the extra yard to make them have nice temperament. Also, ALL male pitbulls should be fixed! I notice when they show the dog in the video he is still fully intact. You are almost GUARANTEED to have your unaltered male pitbull attack someone. I had a friend that had a red-nosed pit and after she insisted that them having their balls doesn't make them vicious, he killed someone's cat and was put down. http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/dpp/news/local/boy-8-attacked-by-pit-bull-mix-20100812-wpms At least the little boy is okay. I've never met him but the article says he was visiting a relative and doesn't live here, so that would explain that.
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