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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Yes, this includes whatever the fuck Pestilence and I are (aside from professional badassery causation agents).
  2. You game a bit? Console or PC? If console, are you on xBox Live at all?

  3. Dance Dance Revolution World of Warcraft Harvest Moon Modern Warfare 2
  4. Everything is small next to me. Chernobylton is 6'8" and weighs a fucking ton.
  5. You should take off July 9th, 10th, and 11th. It will be Rainbow Gathering Pt 2: Goth Stylie

  6. This is being PMed to CONFIRMED individuals. If you are thinking of going or in the process of paying me and know you're going, this is posted here for you to look at ahead of time. If you want a "copy" in your PM box, let me know and I will send one Camping Supplies: Note: Optional supplies SAY optional after them. If I get anyone asking questions about this, you pre-emptively lose MANFAST on grounds of laziness ~ Tent (do not forget the stakes like I did the first MANFAST. If you forget your stakes = gonna have a bad time ) ~ Sleeping stuff, blankets, pillows, self-explanitory kinds of items ~ Tarps are a good idea because they are useful for so much shit (optional) Cooking Kinds of Stuff ~ MEAT (or girly food, whatever you eat) ~ BEER (hard liquor IF YOU BEHAVVVVE YOURSELF! Don't make Chernobyl have to choke a bitch, kthnx.) ~ Utensils, plates, cups ~ A Cooler with ice in it for your foods all weekend ~ There is pump water, but for the fancier people out there, if this makes you cringe them bring some fancy bottled water. ~ A "cooker" of some sort is suggested, like the simple cage kind that you put over the fire (some people may let you borrow theirs) ~ A proper skillet (we have one, but if you have such a thing PLZ bring it. The more skillets, the more food, should be simple enough) ~ Plastic trash bags ~ Aluminum foil (optional, per what you're makin') ~ Zip-lock bags (optional) ~ Corkscrew (optional, for winos only) ~ Dish soap (optional, will probably have some at Camp Chernolence) First Aid Stuff ~ Personal Medication! (Someone is BOUND to forget unless I blatantly list it) ~ Band-Aids (Optional, as I will have some, but I don't want 30 pussies coming to me with boo-boos and using them all. Better bring back up if you're accident prone) ~ Gauze (Optional, I've never needed it. If you might then bring it) ~ Neosporin (Optional, I will have some stocked. Same goes as the bandages though.) ~ Sunscreen! ~ Scissors/Tweezers (Optional, I will have some. If you have them though, wouldn't hurt to bring as if you need them you're going to have to hunt me down and I'm elusive like a woodland critter, namely Sasquatch) Personal Hygene ~ Toothbrush/paste ~ Wash Rags ~ Towel ~ Comb/Brush ~ Soap ~ Toilet Paper (optional, there is some in the outhouse. For anyone who has gone to CC, however, you know that it will probably run out a lot.) ~ Tampons/pads (Optional, only if you're bleeding out your vagina. I won't have any; I do not admit to bleeding out my vagina as it is unbecomming for a man of my calibur to do so) Clothes ~ FOUR sets of clothes (You may need the extra set, trust me) ~ Hats are fun (but optional if you aren't awesome) ~ Don't forget your costumes if you're doing it! ~ Sweater ~ Poncho/Umbrella (I have always hated the word "poncho". Not even sure why.) ~ Dirty Laundry Bag Miscellaneous fun stuffs! ~ BUG SPRAY WITH DEET! (Deer ticks = gonna make you have a bad time) ~ Cards / Board Games ~ Radio (if you bring shitty emo or nu-metal, I will make all that is good in your life into pain Not on my birthday weekend, plz! Good tunes only) ~ Duct Tape (optional, but not if you're manly. True men realize duct tape is the answer. To what? Exactly, we're STILL finding out shit it's good for) ~ Flashlight (for goths that are afraid of the dark ) ~ Matches/lighter ~ Pocket knife (optional but useful) ~ Rope / bungies (optional) ~ Assorted helpful tools (use your imagination, I dunno. I'm sick of typing this and talking out my ass now) If you have any questions about anything on the list or have problems acquiring equipment...tell me now or forever hold your peace and sleep under the stars with no stuff! PM or call!
  7. Eevee is much smaller than I...what if I just had a really big tacky purse to stuff her into? Something SO hideous that only I would be bravely stupid enough to carry it in public? Would that work? That said, I'm sure I can do enough questionable things in the next week to raise funds.
  8. Awww...but I wanted to do it . What matters is that it was done by someone. Nice job, Soulrev.
  9. I take it you skipped right to answering and didn't bother to read the rest of the thread...?
  10. Rofl, they strategically had to place this the weekend after everyone on here is going to be sick of camping .
  11. You even ride with twelve gangs and kill people for fun?
  12. 1000 Homo DJs - Supernaut It's fun to take a trip...put acid in your brains .
  13. St. Germain is our brother from another land, being Deutschland . I'm sure he was being sarcastic. PS: You're overdue for an American visit, sir!
  14. Yes, wrong head shape. Eevee has the cute and rounded pixie-shaped face whereas I have a very masculine jawline and a jarhead shaped face . It works...?
  15. Everyone is always tempted to call me Carl anyway, all I did was make it more believable .
  16. IF YOU HAVE NOT PAID ME YET: Check your inbox! This weekend: Expect a list of things that are a good idea to bring. I am super serioul this time. Vistors: I will be PMing you directions a week before the trip. If you want them ahead of time, or have any questions, please PM me! IT'S COMING...
  17. I'd rather deal with NEITHER. I'd rather have someone go as the worst superheroes of all time then either of those . For the record these "heroes" are indisputably Jubilee, except on fourth of July, and Aquaman, unless a bitch is getting raped 20,000 leagues under the sea.
  18. Sunday. Pestilence's cousin's lady just popped her kid out last Friday and that be the kid. Then they handed it over to me. Could have gotten free lunch if so many damn people weren't there!
  19. I'm holding a baby. This even frightens me.
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