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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Oh, and for the record, to quote South Park Satan: NO ONE CAN GO AS THE CROW!
  2. Mad that I have no money or costume because I shaved my head bald, which made me realize I could so srsly go now as Lex Luthor Stealing 40 Cakes .
  3. Is there a form of birth control on the planet that is 102% effective with a 2% margin of error? (if your answer is no, then yes, they should have to carry the child)
  4. I will also say that NOT thinking soccer is a conspiracy does not make me less republican, it just makes me less crazy like a HANDFUL of conservatives. That's why I'm happy Marc at least was thoughtful enough to put (Some) at the beginning of the thread post .
  5. And a guns conservative. Actually there's only one real social way I'm liberal and I guess it's gay marriage (but ONLY if no people get tax breaks for getting married) and even though I think abortion is disgusting and nobody should get one unless raped, I don't think it's the law's place to say so yet since we don't have 100% proof that the fetus is aware and has life force. If science is able to determine someday that these fetuses ARE considered alive and aware, then it should be 100% illegal and all the women who got one should feel like shit for being children themselves . And I'm going to get "But what if a woman can't take care of a baby yet and the baby is going to have a horrible life?" Then...DON'T SPREAD YER LEGS! That SHOULD be pretty fucking obvious. I have no sympathy for weak-minded people, especially if it is destructive to those around them and not just themselves. Having no sympathy for weak-minded people or for people who want to be taken care of: ALSO incredibly republican .
  6. I'm also willing to be that these Satanic Hitlers are the same infidels that pulled the terrorist act of telling Satan to hit that necessary Jesus statue with Hellfire Lightning and burn it down to the ground. Just a hunch. (As someone who's political stance dresses a bit to the right...I am a bit embarrassed about all this *facepalm*)
  7. I'm a BIGGER fascist nazi poser than you, Phee. I thought we've been through this. It was determined elsewhere on the internets, remember? That's why I'm now Herrnobyl.
  8. HEY! We're all posers a LITTLE bit . You listen to hardcore, screamo and emo hardcore! I also listen to cheesy new wave and cold wave, and Phee listens to And One secretly when nobody is around his cubicle. I'm sure void and I will eventually stop fighting it and start a Facebook group called "Goths for Gaga" .
  9. Logic FTW! It's sad that so much of Christianity is basically set up for this purpose. That's why I consider it to be a failed religion now, or well on its way. There are very few Christians I've met that actually SOMEWHAT follow the teachings and practices of Christ. Most people call themselves Christian and never even read any of the scriptures they're just Christian because it's the socially accepted thing to do. The whole thing is skewed. Then asshats like Pat Robertson came along and found out he could make a buck off of some suckers and it became even more corrupt. Downward spiral, and I don't think it's ever going to recover. Giant downward spiral of corruption, trying to control, trying to coerce money from, trying to get worshiped as humans instead of telling humans to worship God/Christ, etc. This church that had their statue struck down fully encompassed the Pretender Christian viewpoint and as I said earlier, I'm only sad the church itself didn't burn down to the ground too. Maybe they'll take this as a sign from God...? Probably too ignorant though, they probably will think the Devil sent the lightning .
  10. Then that means you and I were in St. Andrew's Hall at the same concert at the same time .
  11. And you've been faster than me at everything ever since! Welcome, future possible MANTESTANT
  12. Ahhhh you're TFGs friend! I get it, well then I'm sure you're obviously going to be her lot mate at MANFAST. Takes some of the confusion out lol, awesome. Makes my job easy for me and registration quicker for you!

  13. YEAP! I hate those kinds of "Christians". Those are like those crazy broad moms that go out and have kids to have them as their little trophies instead of having kids to try to bring a life into the world that you love and cherish. Same kind of bullshit, I'm glad these people got their stupid statue struck down by lightning. If you're going to call yourself Christian you should actually, you know..PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH!!! . If you're spending twice as much as an average house used to cost in the 90s to build some thing out of fucking fiberglass and metal that Christ wouldn't even GIVE A SHIT ABOUT when that money could have gone to "Teach a man how to fish" so-to-speak, not only does your stupid statue deserve to burn but their church should have been struck with it.
  14. I'll see you spinning at Resist . I'm STILL pissed I had to miss it :.
  15. Payments will only be accepted up until JULY 2ND. After that I must put the finishing touches on the roster and do my last minute stuff. If you are thinking about going and have not OFFICIALLY PAID then either shit or get off the fucking toilet already! I'm going to put this right up at the top on the top of the thread also. ALWAYS check the first two posts in this thread for current updated (which will be dated so you know you aren't reading old news!). I MAY take them after but I know that the park itself has limitations on last minute reservations so you would be playing SERIOUL ROULETTE with your prospective vacation time! You'll reserve at your OWN RISK after July 2nd as I cannot make guarantees. If anyone has questions about this, my PM box is always real open to new ideas Yes, I'm in a hurry, I forgot the yellow...I know. REFUNDS: Unless your grandma is am Feuer, your house exploded, your cat ran away, etc...NO REFUNDS. I go out of my way to take all this time to do this for people, and I LOVE it...but please do not take advantage of my patience. If someone says "oh...I took the weekend off but my boss called me in anyways, can I have a refund?" The answer will be NO! You should have taken care of that shit ahead of time.
  16. Chernobyl said let KatRN and TFG tent together...and it was so. Then Chernobyl stepped back and saw this this was awesome. (Roster is updated ) Less than a month of me running around like a lunatic doing last minute shit! YEAH!
  17. Rofl, agreed. That's why Chernobyl stopped being a "customer" years ago . I do gothic/industrial clubs and if there are none available I'd rather listen to my last.fm account on a sound system that is better than CCs
  18. You can get overdraft protection that works exactly the same. And if you reached the bottom of that overdraft protection account, it will bounce. The overdraft protection account is also technically a line of credit and you're probably paying at least 12% APR for keeping it.
  19. You guys already realize that this IS a law right? Like...it's already your rights to be able to sign a paper in order to get you out of overdraft fees...? Whoever started this petition clearly didn't do research . Obama signed this into law earlier this year, possibly last year. The only thing it doesn't apply to is credit unions I believe, but if you go into your bank TODAY and sign the waiver than they cannot charge you for overdraft fees. If you try to make a transaction though it will say "declined" at the register. I still think it's funny that someone started a petition trying to get something to be written into law that is already written into law .
  20. NOOOOO... Out of all the styles of music...swingish Rockabilly? : Might as well be listening to ska almost . Rockabilly is one thing I've never been able to like no matter how much I try to. Ughhh...I used to be fairly big into And One. Like, I will admit that they needed to change it up a bit, but not like this. Be careful what you wish for I guess...? .
  21. Quoted for truth . I kinda wanted to see CC go under though selfishly so that we can actually have a new and FUN club night that isn't smudged out by the "CC tradition" within a month. REALLY want something more fun than that place. I guess this means I no longer technically am boycotting CC. That doesn't mean you're going to probably see me more than you do now though . Just means I can go to CC if I wanted to now whereas before I was vehemently against stepping through those club doors EVER AGAIN because of the bullshit re-entry crap.
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