Logic FTW! It's sad that so much of Christianity is basically set up for this purpose. That's why I consider it to be a failed religion now, or well on its way. There are very few Christians I've met that actually SOMEWHAT follow the teachings and practices of Christ. Most people call themselves Christian and never even read any of the scriptures they're just Christian because it's the socially accepted thing to do. The whole thing is skewed. Then asshats like Pat Robertson came along and found out he could make a buck off of some suckers and it became even more corrupt. Downward spiral, and I don't think it's ever going to recover. Giant downward spiral of corruption, trying to control, trying to coerce money from, trying to get worshiped as humans instead of telling humans to worship God/Christ, etc.
This church that had their statue struck down fully encompassed the Pretender Christian viewpoint and as I said earlier, I'm only sad the church itself didn't burn down to the ground too. Maybe they'll take this as a sign from God...? Probably too ignorant though, they probably will think the Devil sent the lightning .