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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. We totally have like, you know, almost the same glasses and all. That means we're super cool and in our own secret club, you know.

  2. You're new. I'm straightforward. Awesome.

  3. Real goths use sporks. Everyone knows that.

  4. I can't stop buying blank notebooks and office supplies. I need some Read-or-Die rehab.
  5. I'mma chargin' mah lazorz!

  6. As someone who has been the lead singer of a few bands back in the day...lemme wish you luck on finding a drummer who will stick around and not get arrested for doing lines of coke off of urinals in the bathroom at whatever gig you happen to be playing . Drummers are, generally, a uhmm...wild and unpredictable lot . That's just my personal experience, a necessary "evil" if you will .
  7. Congrats You're having an opposite wedding from when Pestilence and I get hitched, if I had my way it would be friends-only and no family . Fiiiiiine, Boshy can go at least . Keep us updated on the friends party in the fall, kay? Pestilence and I have known you since, well, since BEFORE DGN was ever even in existence.
  8. YAY! I JUST updated the roster so I'll add you as a visitor in a little bit. And to announce...I updated the roster because Spook and TWB have officially finalized their lot arrangements! :
  9. asdkjflsdf;lkajsdfj;sdjfl;asdjfl;dfl;jsaf;fjgbnel;rkjs.d,f !!!!!!!!
  10. Yeeeeahhh...reason you don't see me in CC at all. I've only been hitting up events and want to start having house parties because our house is painted black and huge. I'm almost entirely done with nightlife in Detroit because it seems that whenever a good night gets started it dives out quickly whereas nights that cater more to booty-jocky-preps like CC's weekend nights have been. And now the smoking thing...? It's bullshit and unfair.
  11. SO MUCH fucking planning! GRR. Rofl...it will all be worth it, trust me. You guys want a MANTEST and we're going to give it to you .
  12. It's already been made . Our friend, Rob, owns a copy. Or maybe Ricky does. I dunno, someone owns a copy and it's awful.
  13. Life can take you lots of places; obviously don't let us interfere with your journey. I'm not going to give the advice of "well you can spam the boards from another state" because for many of us (I'm the same way) just cyber-relationships don't cut it. But just know that we here on DGN by this time are probably more than just cyber-friendships to you, and while it may be boring to sit on DGN states away reading about all the stuff we're doing here that you're not involved in...check in, okay? Maybe once every three months or so, pop in and say "Hey guys, this is what I've been doing over here, these are my friends, this is where I go, here's some pictures!" I can guarantee you, a warming cyber-reunion will take place and probably give everyone a nice feeling to know you're okay. And vice versa. I hate it when really established members leave, which always leaves me wondering "Are they okay? I wonder whatever happened to that guy..." Happens a bit with DGN but also happened with my old Royal Oak scene. So, in short, don't have us all be pondering years down the road, "hey, I hope The Gimp is okay" because I think about that with a lot of past members who threw in the hat. In this scene you have to get used to people leaving, easy come easy go, I get that, but it still bothers me when they do. Take care, live long and prosper.
  14. Were you guys at the zoo on Saturday? If so that is CREEPY because so were we . It's even more uncanny because I hadn't been to the zoo since early college but did ponder upon entry whether I might run into any other DGNers. Pity I didn't see you guys.
  15. Hey man, finally got you on here. You're probably too busy playing WoW to post though :-P

  16. Wait...wha? What does your mom being in India have to do with you staying? I r confused. And wtf is your mom doing in India? This is piqued my curiosity .
  17. Awesome I'll put you on the "probably visiting" list. Expect a PM from me about a week before July 9th with directions on how to get there.
  18. So...instead of gene splicing we just straight up made synthetic genetic code and inserted it? Meh. The building blocks were already here on earth, we didn't REALLY make something new...we just assembled what was already left for us into something that was already here. But the part about renegade viruses and impact on the environment is worrisome. We're just now figuring out that GMOs are destroying our genes, antibiotics and hormones in livestock are fucking us up, and certain pesticides are taking out entire sectors of the ecosystem. The extent of this damage is not yet fully realized as this only began a few generations ago. Not to bring myself up and all (), but much like with Chernobyl the worst is yet to come over time.
  19. Instead of a new night at CC, we need to bring back Deadline. Deadline was the best club night I've been to so far, followed by the very short-lived Prive. Luna Wednesdays used to be swank but now it's jock central and they don't even have a goth night. Have not been to Necto for personal reasons, plus distance. Everyone told me that Mephisto's was awful. It's not that I didn't WANT to check it out for myself, I just couldn't get anyone to go with me because every time I'd try my search was met with dozens of friends saying "ick...Mephisto's is awful! No way I'm going." Detroit definitely needs from fresh clubness! I'm not going to the Sunday/Tuesday CC thing because they don't let people leave to smoke without charging them, but have been wanting to check out Club FT. Not necessarily a goth night of course, but both of my teenage social groups were A) Fraser HS Kids and B) Royal Oak 4th and Main Corner Kids. NEVER did these two groups ever cross except me but from what I hear is that coincidentally Club FT is a blend of Fraser Kids and Corner Kids. I have to see this for myself...always thought it was unthinkable . I'm probably going to hang out there on Sundays.
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