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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Those sleeping bags are 100% FTW. I have not forgotten about MANFAST, but I have been a little bit lax on keeping up on it. I got out of work and school on May 13th and have been leveling my Troll Shaman since then. She's level 11 already, btw. If you're running with horde on Nath, PM my shit, yo. We'll raid some dungeons and pwn some n00bs. I HAVE been productive also; I put in my flower garden and spring crop garden. In a few weeks I'll have to put in my summer garden and then I'll be done with that shit. I wrote a lot and novelgasmed on many blank notebooks. I bought really awesome Sharpie pens, FTW. Expect harassment PMs this week sometime! Also, awesome things to come regarding the webpage, the link is in my signature . There are still tons of spaces! If you've been teetering about going I can make the decision easy for you: Go! It will be easily one of the most awesome events you've been to yet. Third year and running strong! Even if you're not big into camping, we go easy on you, I swear So PM me for questions, reservations, if you haven't paid yet (if you don't PM me, I'll come get your PM box!), if you're excited, or to tell me that my pets miss me and that I need to go to World of Warcraft rehab.
  2. I know, the media is also showing their true liberal colors. When Bush was in office if he jaywalked it was all over every news station and he was the "devil" for it. Now Obama is running our country into the ground and all news sources don't even report it, except Fox news. Then when Fox reports anything bad about Obama, they're "conspirators" when all of the other channels were doing the same shit with Bush. I'm to the point where I don't give a fuck if Obama runs this place into the dirt, that's what the American citizens get for being stubborn and having a "my team has to win!" attitude about the whole thing. I'm just entertained hearing them all come up with excuses as to why Obama is right for doing similar things (worse things, imo) as Bush. I'm taking bets with my friends what some of the awesome excuses are going to be when cap and trade passes, rather, how people who are diehard Obama groupies are going to defend it.
  3. Heh, didn't see this until now. It's ironic because we're most likely doing a bonfire at my house tonight. Bunch of scrap wood was cleaned out of the basement today with no place to put it, so it gets burninated.
  4. Then why have they been kicking people out at like..10? I r confused Chernobyl
  5. I would love to get a hold of the person who did this. You can figure out the rest and the reason why.
  6. I would say Steampunk Expo. The only thing DEMF will do for you is cause you to cry when you realize that your wallet got unnecessarily raped for a little kiddy party that ends at like fucking...what nine now? What time do all the teeny boppers need to be home so they won't be grounded? Srsly...valuable hours of your life you will never be able to recover. DEMF USED to be the best event in Detroit...now I'm ashamed it's even in our city.
  7. Pestilence classes in Rivethead Cyber-Steampunk; he will nut in his pants when I tell him about this event . I LIKE Steampunk...it's not MY style but I do have a clear appreciation for it. I'm more Rivethead Cyber-Loli, but I'm sure I could throw something together for this. I'll give him a heads up when I get home.
  8. *uses the voice used when talking to Gitzie* Awwww...so KAWAIIIIIIII
  9. I would make a much better Saturn! My face is way cuter! And I don't say that a lot because my face doesn't usually win in that matter but erm...this time? Chernobyl's face FTW!
  10. Not I. Never once have I stolen sex toys;I steal male strippers just getting off work and walking out to their car .
  11. These were taken at Tygerlili and Morbid Suicide's hand-fasting by Msterbeau. The second picture is REALLY nice as a thumbnail, big sized though I look a little too imperfect for my liking . Oh well, overall it's still pretty nice.
  12. Az! You have been MIA for a minute. We do anime nights at our house usually weekly and hopefully we're starting D&D back up again this summer. You should come on by!
  13. Furi Kuri IS pronounced "Fooly Cooly" roughly. Rs sound much like our L in Japanese. That's the reason for the name change coming over here.
  14. You're a silly lady. Just thought I'd put that out there :-P

  15. This morning it felt like my stomach was concave and I panicked. I then realized that my stomach was not concave, but rather is not used to feeling thin again. I fit into ALL my "mid-sized" pants now . I must be eating less because I sure as hell have been lax on exercise due to being bukkaked in three hours of homework every night.
  16. Point taken. The reason it was like that is because it's playing off of people's natural tendency towards being pretentious. It is a little too random and over the top for some people though. It's incredibly artsy though and has two of the best monologues in anime ever (one in the first episode from Samejima and one from Naota in the last episode). I also love the depth of the characters, but HATE Naota's dad .
  17. Yeap! Like I said in the original post. Fooly Cooly + Serial Experiments: Lain + Paranoia Agent = Trifecta of Mindfuck Anime. Lain didn't take off in America as much as it should have because the concept is too abstract and deep for your average pie-in-the-face Family-Guy-Watching American to grasp.
  18. Yes, that is what is so epic about FLCL; it is only six episodes. Trust me, not only is six episodes sufficient, they would ruin it by adding any more. It only needs six . I'll end it at that, don't want to give too much away.
  19. Watch ALL of FLCL. Normally I don't tell people to watch things dubbed in English, but FLCL is one of those rare exceptions. There certain subtleties and nuances in the English version that are not expressed to our, erm, "understanding" fully in the subbed version. It's not a "heartfelt" and artsy. You can watch all six episodes on www.veoh.com I believe. I'm sure you can also find them on Anime Freak. Watch all six and come back to discuss! I can promise you will not be disappointed! It will change how you view people and social interactions between them. It's also the most ridiculous and glorified intergalactic-love-story known to mankind . I have all the DVDs, I can probably burn them for you or maybe lend them out. Paranoia Agent is amazing but you CANNOT skip episodes or watch them out of order. That's all I (and anyone else who has seen it in its entirety) will say. I can also promise you that you personally would love Serial Experiments Lain. It explains, well, everything. It's very interesting. It's also heavily cyber-punk-goth. Lain Iwakura is one of my favorite anime characters of all time. It has more symbolism and shrouded mystical metaphors that link up directly to science in it than most brains can handle. There are two types of people who DON'T love Lain: People who HEAVILY religious OR non-religious and people who simply cannot grasp the concept of it. They'll never show Lain on Adult Swim because it is too much and too deep for most Americans to handle .
  20. I dunno, something that is always debated upon with FLCL among fans: Who ACTAULLY burnt down the elementary school where Mamimi met Naota's brother. Actually they met on the day of the fire. They insinuate who it probably was but never fully say. I know who I think it was, but how about other people. Thoughts?
  21. Just odd. Something I've noticed. Everyone loves FLCL, everyone who watches anime say it's in their top five. But nobody even ever knows what it's actually ABOUT. I even had the leader of the Anime Club at MCC try to tell me that there is no coherent plot-line...WTF? It has one of the most rich and deep plots in anime history. I would even be willing to bet that the trifecta of "Mind fuck" anime consists of FLCL and Serial Experiments: Lain (BOTH tied for first as FLCL deals with existence and human behaviors on a microcosmic level whereas Lain deals with existence and tries to explain it in its entirety on a macro-cosmic grandiose level) and then Paranoia Agent in third (deals with fear, the causation of such, the impact of fear on society as a whole. Don't want to say too much to spoil it) So I think what I'm asking is...am I the only one who fully understands FLCL? I want to help anime viewers! I think this thread should be a discussion about mainly FLCL but also any other "Mind-fuck" psychological anime series (Paranoia Agent, SE: Lain) that have been unclear to you. So everyone, as Naota's father asks, what does "fooly cooly" really mean? What do you think the series is about? Oh and Spoiler alerts! This means YOU, Iris! You're still in the middle of watching it
  22. If your e-cig isn't Blu brand; you just wasted your money. Siren: Come over and Raev and you can take a few puffs off ours if you wanna try before you buy. I was a skeptic but then Pestilence ordered one and I'm sold. I feel so 100% good because I haven't had cigarettes at ALL and haven't really wanted one. Like...so good I want to tear through my pants right now like The Incredible Hulk. That would just be silly on my part because I'm in the student center right now, not to mention the fact that I would need new pants.
  23. A couple from Tygerlili and Morbid Suicide's handfasting Not my favorites, but they are recent. Pestilence is FUCKING CUTE I WANNA PINCH HIS CHEEKS 'N'HUMP HIS FACE!
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