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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. He's 27 and ultra-hawt today Even if he doesn't log in to see this and comment personally; I'll at least show him when I get home later.
  2. Found out very exciting news at the handfasting last weekend . Rumor has it we may be tacking on up to four more people .Two are confirmed, one is contingent on another event.
  3. Since I have off the entire summer from both work and school all the way to September, my head will be an insane amalgam of yellows, green, and black. I'm old enough so Boshy can't tell me I can't do it! Read that, Boshy?! HA! ...I bet she's going to read this and I'm going to get a phone call .
  4. This thread is cute but makes me sad. My kitty, Gitzie, would kill every animal pictured and love it .
  5. She's still grading them and I can already tell you that you helped immensely without even getting it back yet .
  6. It is not advisable to weight train the same muscle group over and over, day after day. Give your muscle group at least a two-three day break, depending on how you feel. You CAN weight train everyday...but you must alternate muscle groups. I weight train every day (or try, per my awful schedule) but on day one I do arms, day two is abs/back, day three I knock out legs and ass. Then I repeat because from the time I did arms to the time I finished the whole routine, there was a two day rest for my arms.
  7. Tried to take it for a month and realized that it's awful. Apparently other women seem to like it so good for them. Had so many adverse side effects, DEBILITATING effects on my body that I HAD to stop. They should warn women that the pill could adversely effect their mental state before taking it. I also thought it was funny because it's supposed to be a pill that makes it difficult to get pregnant, insinuating that it makes sex-worry free. My worry with that was the fact that I wanted to have sex ALL THE TIME LITERALLY to never ever EVER wanting to even be touched. It also caused me to gain 30+ pounds in less than 20 days...that cannot be healthy. Never mind the disturbing side effect that, you know, I was trying to prevent children...but the pill made me WANT children. I have never EVER EVER EVER wanted children; I knew this from the time I was four. I've only ever wanted children to go away . Let's not even get into the uber-embarrassing uncontrollable crying aspect. Horrrrrible. Now I don't use any birth-control at all and realized that I apparently don't need it because my body must hate the notion of being pregnant as much as my head and my heart does
  8. I have a legitimate blight-fetish. Like, abandoned buildings get me hotter than most males do. Odd...I know. Would any of you come to expect anything less from me at this point? That said I still have not been in an abandoned building. I know the floor plans for almost all of the big ones in Detroit. I know how to get in them. I haven't gone because nobody has ever wanted to be daring enough to accompany me. Michigan Central Station is the sexiest building I've ever seen . You seen the perfectly-shaped layout of that hot little number? :
  9. Speaking in all honesty with no regard with who's feelings I may have hurt. America needs to wake up and start doing this more often. This "everyone is as good as anyone else!" bullshit needs to stop as it's completely untrue. You are as good as YOU mold YOURSELF to be. You are not born that way. Rewards should come from hard work, not from being butthurt and crying about it.
  10. Yeap. That's how I gauge whether or not a parent has control over their kid or if they LET their kid control them. That's why I was pushing for the fact that they were thinking of considering it child abuse if your kid is obese and there is no legitimate underlying medical cause for it. Still very much for it. If fat adults generally (note: generalization, there's always exceptions) indicate weak self control then fat kids signify weak parental control.
  11. I agree with almost all of your post except this part. What makes you think kids can't understand logic? Don't you remember being a kid? Any kid over five deserves a better explanation than "Because I said so!" I've always considered "Because I said so!" the pinnacle of bad parenting because you're not giving the kid a good solid reason as to why they are doing wrong and don't understand what it is they did. There is no logic to the kid behind "Because I said so!" and will learn to take you and your rules (and in the future, rules in public such as at school, work, college, etc) non-seriously as you have not given them solid reason to. That would be like getting yelled at on your job. When you ask why you're being yelled at your boss says "Because I said so!" Are you going to learn from your mistakes from that statement? I think not. But if your boss says "Well you've been late a lot" THAT is a reason and something that can corrected by the employee.
  12. Muhahahaha! You just made the fatal mistake of taking me for serioul! Don't worry, everyone makes that error at least once around here . I won't lie though, if I was in lock-up for life, disease would probably be the least of my worries
  13. Listening to Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice, but what I would rather being doing is watching the glorious Walken-infused music video.
  14. I AM DONE! Everyone who helped out was amazing! Very interesting answers actually, it seemed as if the police were more lenient and understanding with a "we're only human" kind of attitude. The citizens however had very varied reponses and seemed to expect the officers to have a stricter punishment from the department. They did overall decide mostly that the officers should be treated equally within a court of law. There were a few exceptions to this.
  15. No, no, you're fine actually. It's not due until 5 today and we're working on it all day so to anyone that still wants to help out, please do so . I am quite grateful. And thanks Spammer for taking a minute to do this! Btw your real name is really cool, but it'll be our little secret .
  16. Pestilence and I are in an Interviewing class at school, which is specifically a law-oriented Interviewing class. The project that we have assigned due tomorrow is that we need 10 separate people to answer 10 questions regarding the subject of what should happen if an officer is arrested (note: NOT necessarily yet convicted) of a DUI. The questions are: 1. What kind of disciplinary action should be taken (by the department) against their alleged behavior for the arrest? (if any) 2. Is a demotion of some sort called for? 3. Since officers are supposed to be ethical upstanding citizens, should the officer be fired or suspended without pay? 4. If convicted, should an officer's court sentence be more strict than a normal citizens? 5. Why should (or shouldn't they) get a stricter sentence? 6. Should it be published to the media if the officer has not even gone to trial yet? 7. In reference to number 6, why or why not? 8. Should the officer be made to swear under some type of oath to not do it again and/or be made to publicly apologize? 9. Should the officer be restricted from patrol car use until after the court arrives at a verdict? 10. Should and officer be made to take a Breathalyzer test when reporting for duty until a ruling has been made at trial as a preemptive measure? Either PM me your answers or post them here. The one condition is that I do need your actual name for the assignment, therefore if you don't feel comfortable posting that here then PM it to me. Names of interviewees are not named in class and only the teacher sees them, so answers are confidential basically. Thank anyone ahead of time if you choose to help us out with this . There really was not much time to do this assignment and we have been busy with work and other classes as the end of the semester is nearing; that's why I'm running a little behind on it . The other half of the assignment is that we have to interview 10 freaking fire fighters and ask them the same questions . Kind of a bit unreasonable of the teacher, imo, but that's how it goes. I could see maybe five people each, but ten of each is way more than a bit much.
  17. I mean, unless they like went out and did it in some super secret private Play-With-Yourself-Tree-Fort that I was unaware of, then no. All of my boyfriends I've had were around me pretty much all the time, I'm sure if one plopped his junk out and started whackin', I would have noticed. I would have also offered him a hand because I am of the helping and generous sort
  18. I've actually never dated a guy that masturbates, with the single exception of my first boyfriend. Does that guarantee come with any money back? That's odd because I just realized that I haven't really dated anyone under ten inches with the exception of my first boyfriend either. That's a REALLY weird coincidence that I'm surprised I never noticed until now. I'm not even saying there's a correlation, it's just uncanny though. Why you gotta be making me realize weird shit about my exes and current bf? Weirdo!
  19. Hey man, if they sent me to an all-male prison then I'd ask for three or four extra showers a day . This is sounding like a sweet deal the more you describe it to me . And hey, there's something way more manly and envious in the minds of guys everywhere than snapping nude photos. It's called fucking .
  20. They let you bring guns into DEAC? And I can take out my mortal enemy (other naked women)? Well then...fuck MANFAST. It's my birthday and I'll skip if I want to! I'm going to cause nude-boobie-genocide with Msterbeau at DEAC! I'm sure Pestilence will let me take the Remington if he knows that it is for a worthy cause. ...
  21. Yes, I could have sworn that the thread was called "~funny quotes of dgn~" not "~funny shit said elsewhere~".
  22. You just won at awesomely sound logic Except for all that water-in-food nonsense. I used to think water was out to get me earlier in life, but I now realize that air is the true enemy.
  23. Pssssht...yeah righhht. You seen Pestilence and I yet? Just awful . See? Just terrible, lookit our cute mean-evil faces
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