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Everything posted by Destroit

  1. Awwwwww shiiiiit. You done stroked my ego. Everyone's in trouble now!
  2. Mmmhmm. I take it you've never met him? Definitely one of our sauciest Detroitdustrial DJs.
  3. Rofl. I could not help myself.
  4. I go to bars and am getting a gun soon so I will be able to be spotted at shooting ranges. I just changed the game, didn't I?
  5. Am going to bench press boulders when I get home from work . I love weight training because it makes your body so super efficient that you don't really need to do all the girly wasteful dieting bullshit-shenanigans. Just burn a few hundred calories then weight train alternating muscles daily until it feels like your body is going to tear itself apart at the joints and you don't need to worry about eating under 1,600 calories. Don't get me wrong...I eat HEALTHY shit, I just haven't bothered doing trivially wasteful stuff such as counting calories since I was in high school. Counting calories didn't work for me then and it's not going to work now that I realize it's completely unnecessary.
  6. I asked for thunder and lightning but got my shit wrecked by hail instead. Close enough I guess.
  7. I hate it when I'm in a room and have little 13 year old boys being like "OMFG...You're a girl! You play games!" Yes, little boy, I have had a controller in my hand of some sort WELLLLLL before God had even thought of you. Or when I'm playing with my roommate, The Game, I want to slap him a bit sometimes because I'll talk shit and he has to go out of his way to announce to the room "Yeah, how you like that you just got shit talked by a female?" or "You got pwned by a female, what do you think about that!" Like I'm some novelty. Like beccccause I'm female I'm not to be "taken seriously" so whenever I DO pwn (which is more often than not) a special announcement has to be made like I'm a little kid that just figured out how to color within the lines for my first time. He's from the south though, so I'm sure he's astonished by half of the shit I do that "women don't do". I also get to "beat" his ass on a regular basis because "he doesn't hit women"...but I hit hicks. I'm not "outing" or talking shit about him, he knows he does it, it's already public .
  8. Now I must do one of two things: Either accept this, or go to the gym until I feel as though I'm worthy of accepting such a statement. On the inside...I'm fucked . I'm a completely awful person. So I need to look good on the outside and I've been lax with that for about three years now. I just wish I had the TIME to workout like I used to.
  9. Why can't I just be content with myself? Why the self-loathing? It's stupid...there are much uglier people than myself.
  10. I'd LOVE to play games all day...but I'm a woman which means I usually have important/productive shit that I need to get done .
  11. I will rock your world at Modern Warfare 2. Apparently I'm good with a knife. Y'all can call me Stabby McSlicerfaceton. My GamerTag is A11Y0URBA5E.
  12. Word has it that I'm having my family reunion there this weekend . I shit you not, it will probably be myself, Boshy, my Aunt Becky, my cousin Trisha, and my sidekick that I hardly get to see anymore.
  13. Wish Pestilence and I could go but we have an 8am class the next morning . Expect the most epic house party ever at the Pestobyl residence in mid-May though! We have so many amenities and awesome shit that it's like a hotel where everything's free .
  14. Yay for appropriate writing skills . I'm a writer myself, as I may have already told you or you may have picked up on, and I'm hyper-critical of the lack of writing skills from most other writers. Your shit is pretty solid though. Actual, you know, description instead of stuff like "I felt like _______". Grammatically there is not really anything overtly wrong with it either.
  15. Where is that? I think that's RIGHT by my house. I used to go to Gibraltar in Mt. Clemens sometimes when I was a kid. The time we usually went there was when they'd have their carnival.
  16. I guess I can be removed as I'm definately bottom of the barrel now. You know how you go to some old ruins and think to yourself "Hmmm...I bet that USED to look nice..." That's how to sum me up in one simple statement . I won last time we had this but a lot has changed in two years and, yeah, I was hot compared to the girls two years ago but for some odd reason we've had an influx of women much more attractive than I join the board in the past two years (Eevee, Tyger, Siren, Michi, Tszura). So if my frumpy disheveled ass is taking up space on the roster, I can step down I suppose as I'm sure my name would just take up space .
  17. If I could sum up Marvin in one simple phrase...THIS, my friend, would be it . +1
  18. I r pop Chernobyl, here to ruin your thread. Was it DJ Saint or was it Nocker that said that there was a Lady Gaga reference in almost every thread on DGN now? In all seriousness, for a pop video it DOES have a good amount of well-thought out "dark-ish" symbolism, is visually original, and yes, certain parts reek of bat shitting. So there.
  19. I personally have come to the conclusion, when I was off my tits from too many long islands, that Marvin is indeed a Lvl 99 Drink Wizard with cute little hats that boost his mana and defense. I may be wrong on this but I doubt it.
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